使用 carlspring/idempotence 框架编写可并行化的 Java 测试


Disclaimer This is a re-post of my article on Medium.com with the hope of reaching more OSS developers as part of #Hacktoberfest. Introduction Have you ever had to deal with flaky...


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1. Introduction to React Architecture A well-structured architecture is essential for building scalable, maintainable React applications. It helps in organizing components, managing state,...


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使用Strapi 5和Next.js实现CRUD示例的集成


How to integrate Strapi 5 with REST API with Next.js We will use Youtube as an example to create a video upload, read, update, delete (CRUD) application. You can also find the full source code on...

本文讲解如何使用Strapi 5和Next.js集成REST API,创建视频CRUD应用。步骤包括创建项目、设置视频和评论集合、配置权限、测试API、实现视频上传和展示功能,以及更新和删除视频。

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告别额外的CodeBuild项目:详解AWS CodePipeline的新命令操作


Until Now, if you wanted to run AWS CLI commands, third-party CLI commands, or simply invoke an API, you had to create a CodeBuild project, configure the project with the appropriate commands, and...

AWS CodePipeline推出了Command Action,简化了在流水线中运行Shell命令的过程,无需单独创建CodeBuild项目。用户可以直接在虚拟计算实例中执行命令,但不支持跨账户或跨区域操作,并有权限要求。此功能在灵活性和成本上有一定权衡。

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Arch Network 简介:Web3 的去中心化预言机


Introduction: What Are Decentralized Oracles? Oracles in blockchain are entities or systems that provide real-world data to smart contracts on the blockchain. Traditional oracles are...

去中心化预言机通过分布式节点收集和验证数据,解决了传统预言机的中心化风险。Arch Network 提供准确实时的数据,广泛应用于 DeFi、保险、预测市场和游戏,提高了区块链应用的安全性和可靠性,尤其在 Web3 领域。

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Laravel SoftDelete:避免唯一约束问题


This article originated from https://medium.com/@hafiqiqmal93/laravel-softdelete-avoiding-the-unique-constraint-problem-45381d9745a0 In case you’ve been using Laravel for a while, especially when...

文章介绍了在 Laravel 中使用 SoftDelete 时,如何避免唯一约束冲突。SoftDelete 允许记录被“删除”但不移除,恢复时可能遇到唯一约束问题。解决方案是使用一个 Laravel trait,在软删除时临时修改唯一字段,并在恢复时还原。这种方法在处理大数据集时尤为有效,确保数据完整性。

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贡献者的旅程:Hacktoberfest 2024


Hacktoberfest is always an exciting time for open-source enthusiasts, and this year was no exception. As a contributor, the experience is not just about submitting pull requests—it's about...

Hacktoberfest 2024 是开源爱好者的学习和成长之旅。我参与了多个项目,从文档改进到修复错误,提升了解决问题的能力。最大的收获是耐心和坚持的重要性。每次成功的合并请求都让我感到成就感,并增强了与全球贡献者的联系。Hacktoberfest 不仅是代码,更是社区和协作的体现。尽管有挑战,我感到感激和满足,期待继续贡献开源。

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在 Amazon Linux 2023 上安装 Supervisor


Original Article -> https://medium.com/aws-in-plain-english/installing-supervisor-on-amazon-linux-2023-697b65901457 Amazon Linux 2023 stands as a reliable choice for developers and system...

Amazon Linux 2023 缺少默认的 Supervisor 包,影响进程管理。本文介绍如何通过 Pip 安装 Supervisor,包括安装 Python 和 Pip,使用 Pip 安装 Supervisor,配置文件生成与自定义,启动服务及设置开机自启。这些步骤帮助用户在 Amazon Linux 2023 上有效管理进程。

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Procedure overloading in PL/SQL refers to the ability to define multiple procedures (or functions) with the same name but with different parameter lists. Each version of the procedure is...


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Hello, Blog! As promised, in this post, I’ll share the small tweaks I made to modify the functionality of the screen colouring 6502 assembly program. Check out the previous post for complete...


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