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Jagadeesh Panuganti: Storing Network Addresses in Oracle vs PostgreSQL vs SQL Server

Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQL Server support a variety of data types that are very relatable. During the process of migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL and SQL Server to PostgreSQL, we see it is not much of a difficult task in mapping data types between Oracle or SQL Server and PostgreSQL. However, there exists some interesting data types in PostgreSQL that are not otherwise seen in Oracle or SQL Server. Three of such data types are inet, cidr and macaddr. In this article, we shall discuss in detail about storing Network addresses in Oracle vs SQL Server vs PostgreSQL. Inspecting data before Migration to determine the Target Data types Our expertise in migrations has helped us implement a variety of best practices for all the customer environments. One of such best practices is about implementing the appropriate target data type. Due to lack of expertise on the after effects of a migration, one might choose a default data type mapping between Oracle and PostgreSQL or SQL Server and PostgreSQL, which might appear when you do a Google Search or when you use Ora2Pg or AWS SCT etc. There are also a lot of tools and articles out there to show default data type mappings. However, none of them provide an idea to inspect the data before choosing a data type. For this reason, a varchar in Oracle may always be mapped to varchar or text in Postgres.  MigOps generally inspects data using home-grown solutions to determine the data type for PostgreSQL. It is based on the type of data in Oracle and SQL Server with advanced performance benefits. Network Addresses IP Addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) and MAC addresses are the examples of Network addresses. Why do we need specialized data types for storing Network Addresses ? When network addresses are required to be stored in databases, the database may accept incorrect user inputs if there is no strict input checking. Similarly, if there are no operators and functions to support queries on such data, there can be performance implications or additional re[...]

在Oracle和SQL Server到PostgreSQL的迁移过程中,我们发现数据类型映射并不困难。PostgreSQL有一些特殊的数据类型,如inet、cidr和macaddr,可以更好地存储网络地址。在Oracle和SQL Server中,我们可以使用varchar存储IP地址,但是没有特定的数据类型,因此可能会导致性能瓶颈。而PostgreSQL支持inet和cidr存储IPv4和IPv6地址,macaddr和macaddr8存储MAC地址,还有一些操作符和函数可以计算广播地址、网络掩码等。在迁移过程中,了解PostgreSQL的功能是非常重要的。

network oracle postgresql sql server

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