使用 React Native、React Query 和 AsyncStorage 构建离线优先应用
原文英文,约2100词,阅读约需8分钟。发表于: 。As the world is advancing in technology, people have started to expect a lot of things from even a simple mobile app. One of which is being able to run apps offline and also be able to sync data...
本文介绍如何使用React Native、React Query和AsyncStorage构建离线优先的待办事项应用。应用通过本地和服务器存储数据,并在网络恢复后同步。文章展示了UI构建、数据同步逻辑及React Query的数据缓存和更新。通过自定义钩子实现网络监听,确保网络变化时自动同步。