“Hack Together:Microsoft Graph 和 .NET”第二周回顾及最后一周展望
原文英文,约500词,阅读约需2分钟。发表于: 。On March 1st, we launched “Hack Together: Microsoft Graph and .NET” to hack and learn about Microsoft Graph and .NET. Time passes so quickly; we've reached the last week of our hack! The post...
3月1日,我们发起了“Hack Together:Microsoft Graph和.NET”活动,第二周,我们在GitHub讨论中互相帮助,并在Reactors上举办了“Ask the experts/Get to know Microsoft Graph team!”会议,最后一周,我们将举办“What’s next:join the community for Microsoft Graph!”会议,3月15日前提交项目可获得奖励,欢迎大家参与!