Use Cloud Foundations Product Factory to plan, design and one-click deploy infrastructural cloud resources such as multi-account access control and permission policies丨借助 Cloud Foundations 产品工厂规划设计并一键部署云上多账户访问控制及权限策略等基础设施资源
原文中文,约200字,阅读约需1分钟。发表于: 。Cloud Foundations adds the “Product Factory” module to meet the automated creation and standardized management needs of customized cloud resources. Simply put, this capability supports “define,...
Clement Yuan 是亚马逊云科技顾问,曾在西雅图总部的关系型数据库服务团队工作,拥有丰富的软件开发和云运维经验,专注于业务持续性、数据库迁移和灾难恢复管理的咨询与实施。