


这是一个关于Web高性能数据可视化分析组件、bug处理方案、逻辑异常检测、非合作目标检测、STL allocator和对象内存分析组件的列表页,提供了相关文章的信息和资源。

在 Angular 17 中创建自定义分页组件


Data listing is one of the crucial points in any web application, be it a very small sample of a complicated comprehensive enterprise application. Primarily we list data in tables, which will...

文章讲解了如何在Angular 17应用中实现自定义分页。主要通过pagination.component.ts和pagination.component.html文件实现,组件接收配置对象作为输入参数,并通过事件更新配置。分页功能包括跳转首页、末页、上一页、下一页等。主组件通过initConfig方法处理分页输出,并调用web服务获取数据。搜索和排序功能未涉及。

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使用 Storybook 创建可重用组件


Introduction: In today's fast-paced digital world, creating reusable components is a crucial aspect of efficient and effective software development. Storybook is a powerful tool that allows...

Storybook 是一个强大的工具,帮助开发者高效创建和展示可重用组件。它加快开发进程,提供直观界面,便于与设计师和利益相关者协作。尽管对于小项目设置可能耗时,但其热重载和插件扩展功能提升了开发效率。总体而言,Storybook 显著提高了组件开发的效率和效果。

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精通 React 组件设计:从基础到最佳实践


React has become a go-to framework for developers looking to create dynamic, interactive web applications. Its component-based architecture allows developers to create reusable building blocks...

React 是用于开发动态网页应用的热门框架,其组件化架构便于管理和扩展。文章介绍了组件设计的基础和进阶模式,包括函数组件、props 使用、组合优于继承、高阶组件、渲染 props、自定义 hooks 等。还讨论了状态管理方法,如状态提升、Context API 和状态管理库,以及性能优化技巧,如 React.memo、useCallback 和 useMemo。

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如何为你的 React 组件添加 CSS 样式


Are you stuck on how to make your component take those amazing styles? Worry no more, here we will discuss three ways that will help you implement your beautiful designs. It's good if you have...

文章介绍了三种为组件添加样式的方法:1. 使用CSS样式表,将CSS写在独立文件中并导入组件。2. 使用CSS模块,创建.module.css文件并导入。3. 使用内联样式,通过style属性以JavaScript对象形式编写,需使用camelCase命名法。每种方法都有示例代码。

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React Server Components (RSCs) are an exciting new feature in React that is revolutionising how developers build web applications. Introduced as part of React's plan to bridge the gap between...


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Angular 16 新特性:组件中的输入


1) Required Component Input from Angular 16. Now a component can have a required Input. Imagine we have a component with an input called user and we want it to be mandatory, meaning it should...

在Angular 16中,新增必需组件输入功能,未提供时会报错,简化开发。输入转换功能可改变输入格式,如将null转为0。开发者还可通过输入直接获取URL参数,无需使用ActivatedRoute,只需在组件中创建同名输入。这些特性提升了开发效率和代码简洁性。

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Angular 16 的新功能:组件中的输入


1) Required Component Input from Angular 16. Now a component can have a required Input. Imagine we have a component with an input called user and we want it to be mandatory, meaning it should...

Angular 16引入了必需组件输入功能,简化开发。输入转换功能可以格式化传递数据,如将null转为0。还可直接通过输入获取URL参数,无需ActivatedRoute,提升了开发效率和代码可读性。

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博客文章 2:TypeScript 基础知识与我们的第一个 POS 组件


Welcome back! In this post, we’ll cover some TypeScript basics and create our first component for the Restaurant POS system. Let’s start with some key TypeScript concepts: Static...


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bash=> npm install ngx-owl-carousel-o app.module.ts=> import { CarouselModule } from 'ngx-owl-carousel-o'; imports: [BrowserModule, CarouselModule], html=> <owl-carousel-o...


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理解 React.memo:优化函数组件


React.memo is a higher-order component used in React to optimize performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders of functional components. It works by memoizing the result of a component and only...

React.memo 是 React 的高阶组件,用于性能优化。它通过记忆组件结果,仅在 props 变化时重新渲染,避免不必要的渲染。默认进行浅比较,也可自定义比较函数来处理复杂的 props 结构。例如,MyComponent 只有在 count prop 变化时才会重新渲染。

理解 React.memo:优化函数组件
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