
 app store 


了解App Store中关于游戏模拟器和复古游戏的最新动态,包括苹果允许下载游戏模拟器的消息以及最新的复古游戏推荐。

Apple gives small developers more ways around its alternative app store tax


Image: The Verge Apple is exempting more developers from the Core Technology Fee (CTF) it introduced in the European Union. In an update on Thursday, Apple announced that developers of free apps without monetization won’t have to pay the new fee. To qualify, Apple says free apps must not have “revenue of any kind,” including money made from physical or digital goods, as well as advertising. “This condition is intended to give students, hobbyists, and other non-commercial developers an opportunity to create a popular app without paying the CTF,” Apple writes in the update. The company also says small developers with less than €10 million in global annual business revenue will receive a three-year free “on-ramp” to the CTF “to help them create innovative... Continue reading…


Apple gives small developers more ways around its alternative app store tax
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TikTok seems to be dodging App Store commissions in Epic fashion


It’s unclear how many TikTok users are being prompted in-app to visit its website for cheaper TikTok Coins. | The Verge TikTok appears to be probing App Store rules that require it to pay the “Apple tax” on in-app purchases. According to Sendit app co-founder David Tesler, some TikTok users are being directed to purchase TikTok coins — digital tokens used to tip creators during live streams — on the company’s website via an in-app link, effectively dodging the 30 percent commission Apple takes on digital purchases. Screenshots acquired by Tesler show at least two instances where iOS users are encouraged to “recharge” their TikTok coins on TikTok.com to explicitly “avoid in-app service fees.” Tapping the “try now” link on these notifications opens an embedded web view where users can access payment options like Apple Pay, PayPal, or credit/debit cards to... Continue reading…


TikTok seems to be dodging App Store commissions in Epic fashion
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在M系芯片的macOS上安装App Store无法直接安装的iOS app(以雅思哥为例) 并请管理员喝杯咖啡


最近想安装一些App到Macbook运行,但发现大量App的安卓安装包根本无法在M系芯片的Macbook运行,于是我只好尝试iOS的安装包,本文是一些折腾的闭坑指南。 首先获取ipa安装包 首先在iPhone长按app,获取app的安装地址 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/%E9%9B%85%E6%80%9D%E5%93%A5-%E9%9B%85%E6%80%9D%E8%80%83%E8%AF%95%E4%BC%98%E9%80%89app/id961844033 将地址输入到 https://decrypt.day/ 点击Find apps 点击搜索结果 直接下载 点击下载按钮后,有个谷歌的机器人验证,验证通过后就能下载了 下载完成后的文件为ipa结尾 如果我们发现ipa的包版本很老,需要更新,则可以登录网站(可以使用Discord账户授权登录),然后请求砸壳 请求成功后,会有一个Summited的提示,等一天应该就可以了 下载PlayCover https://playcover.io/download/ 下载Nightly版本(2024年5月1日Latest版本有bug,无法使用) 打开PlayCover 导入ipa文件 双击启动即可 如果启动后,App强制要求更新,则查看前文,让网站管理员更新一下包,如果想尽快拿到更新包,可以请管理员喝杯咖啡 大概几个小时,邮箱会收到一封ipa更新的邮件,我们也可以通过更新时间确认版本的更新 小结 虽然Macbook使用了M系芯片,可以支持iOS App的运行,但Apple出于商业化考虑,依然无法实现App使用体验的打通,本文提供的方式,能为用户提供一种选择,让我们可以在macOS尽情使用iOS生态下优秀的App,而不用看Apple脸色行事,让用户真正体验Macbook启用M系芯片的魅力。 本文永久更新地址: https://v2fy.com/p/2024-05-01-15-38-43-ipa/

本文介绍了在M系芯片的Macbook上安装无法直接安装的iOS app的方法,通过获取ipa安装包并使用PlayCover导入ipa文件,用户可以在Macbook上运行iOS app,实现在macOS下使用iOS生态下的优秀App。

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N 年前的著名音乐社区「落网」回归 App Store


我印象里,N 年前有两个比较有格调的社区:音乐界的「落网」、图书界的「单向街」。后者一直在运营,还开设了很多线下书店;落网则在 2003 年上线 15 年后于 2018 年停止运营了。今天突然得知,落网音乐社区已经重启,名字改成了「雀乐」,网站、iOS App、Android App 都已经上线。感兴趣的去看看吧 https://indie.cnTags - 音乐


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App Store video game emulators: all the news on retro console ports for iOS


Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge iPhone users can finally enjoy retro gaming emulators without jailbreaking their phones. Continue reading…

苹果放宽了对App Store的限制,允许托管复古游戏模拟器。Delta迅速登上App Store排行榜,欧盟iPhone用户前往第三方应用商店。苹果要求模拟器提供的游戏遵守法律,防止盗版等问题。智能手机小屏幕适合玩低分辨率游戏,iPhone比Steam Deck或任天堂Switch更便携。

App Store video game emulators: all the news on retro console ports for iOS
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Why DolphiniOS’s Wii and GameCube emulator isn’t coming to the App Store


Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge DolphiniOS, a fork of the popular Dolphin emulator for Nintendo Wii and GameCube games, has confirmed that it’s not coming to the Apple App Store even though emulators are now supported. In a post on Friday, the developer behind the emulator says it’s because Apple doesn’t allow DolphiniOS to use its underlying performance-boosting tech. As explained by developer OatmealDome, DolphiniOS — along with other Wii and GameCube emulators — uses something called Just-in-Time (JIT). This is a compiler that “translates” the GameCube and Wii’s PowerPC-based code into a language other devices can understand, making emulations run a lot smoother. Even with the recent App Store policy changes, DolphiniOS still cannot be submitted to the App Store... Continue reading…


Why DolphiniOS’s Wii and GameCube emulator isn’t coming to the App Store
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Emulators are taking over the App Store


Image: Alex Parkin / The Verge Delta, an app for emulating and playing retro games on your iPhone, has been at the top of the App Store rankings for days. Apple spent years keeping apps like this off its platforms before reversing course earlier this month in the face of European regulation and the threat of a whole bunch of new third-party app stores. Obviously, there was huge pent-up demand for Delta. But is this a singular phenomenon or the start of a new more open future for the iPhone? What else might Apple allow in the App Store if it means keeping you in the App Store? On this episode of The Vergecast, we discuss how Delta got into the App Store and what it might mean for the future of the iPhone. We don’t really talk about all the thorny legal issues around... Continue reading…

Delta是一款在iPhone上模拟和玩复古游戏的应用程序,最近在App Store排名靠前。苹果之前多年来一直禁止此类应用程序进入其平台,但本月早些时候在欧洲监管和新的第三方应用商店的威胁下改变了立场。Delta的成功是否意味着iPhone的未来将更加开放?如果苹果允许其他应用进入App Store,会有哪些可能性?本期节目中,我们讨论了Delta如何进入App Store以及对iPhone未来的影响。

Emulators are taking over the App Store
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The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store


Image: Riley Testut The Delta emulator is officially available on the Apple App Store — for free. You should be able to find in Apple’s official store in many countries outside of the European Union. If you live in the EU, it should be available in the new third-party AltStore PAL app marketplace that just went live. The app marks the first significant and officially sanctioned game emulator for the iPhone since Apple began allowing them, with wide-ranging console emulation from the original Nintendo Entertainment System to the Nintendo 64 (and even the Sega Genesis, for when you want to play those games that Nintendon’t). Delta developer Riley Testut told The Verge via email that the app is identical to the version debuting with AltStore PAL. The app... Continue reading…

苹果App Store上推出了Delta模拟器,免费提供。该应用是苹果允许的第一个官方授权的iPhone游戏模拟器,支持多种主机模拟。Delta还支持蓝牙控制器、自定义布局和额外按钮等功能,可将iPhone变成类似任天堂DS或GBA的设备。此外,Delta还支持多人游戏和AirPlay流媒体。该应用经过五年的功能和错误修复,是iPhone上最成熟的模拟器之一。

The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store
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Third-party iPhone app store AltStore PAL is now live in Europe


That €1.50 per year subscription does not include tax but does offset Apple’s Core Technology Fee. | Image: AltStore PAL After we recently tested it in beta, the third-party iOS app store AltStore PAL is now live in the European Union thanks to Apple’s compliance with the region’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). The store requires a €1.50 (plus tax) annual subscription to cover Apple’s Core Technology Fee (CTF) for installing the app marketplace itself. Installing AltStore PAL requires clicking through a lot of Apple’s clumsily implemented scare sheets that double and triple check your desire to install apps from outside Apple’s App Store. But with persistence and enough clicks it eventually installs. The new app marketplace is arriving with two apps developed by Riley Testut: Delta, an emulator capable of playing NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Game Boy, Game Boy... Continue reading…

苹果公司遵守欧盟数字市场法案(DMA),允许第三方iOS应用商店AltStore PAL在欧盟上线。AltStore PAL与Patreon合作,支持开发者通过众筹来分发测试版应用。Delta和Clip是AltStore PAL商店上线的两款应用程序,分别是一款模拟器和剪贴板管理器。

Third-party iPhone app store AltStore PAL is now live in Europe
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A new NES emulator was briefly available on the Apple App Store


Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge Just two days after Apple removed the iGBA emulator from the iOS App Store, an NES emulator called Bimmy briefly appeared before being taken down. MacRumors reported that the app was described as being for homebrew games but also supported ROMs provided by players. Unfortunately, when we attempted to download Bimmy, we received an error message saying it’s no longer available. Now, clicking on a link to Bimmy shows “This app is currently not available in your country or region.” This time, it wasn’t Apple that removed it but the developer. Over on MacRumors’ forums, the developer said it pulled the app “out of fear.” “No one pressured me to, but I got more nervous about it as the day went on,” it wrote. Screenshot:... Continue reading…

苹果公司移除iGBA模拟器后,Bimmy NES模拟器短暂上线后被开发者自行下架。该应用支持自制游戏和玩家提供的ROM。点击链接显示应用不可用。开发者担心而下架。

A new NES emulator was briefly available on the Apple App Store
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