


获取关于 Azure DevOps Server 更新和补丁的最新信息,包括 2022 年 2 月更新 2 RC 版本和 6 月补丁。

How to Develop a CRUD App with Spring Boot, Neon Postgres, and Azure App Service


In this article, we'll explore how to develop a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using Spring Boot and Neon Postgres [https://neon.tech/]. We'll also deploy the application on Azure...

本文介绍了使用Spring Boot和Neon Postgres开发CRUD应用程序,以及在Azure App Service上部署应用程序并进行自动缩放和多环境设置。Neon Postgres简化了开发和部署流程。

How to Develop a CRUD App with Spring Boot, Neon Postgres, and Azure App Service
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Update on Azure Boards + GitHub Integration


It’s been a few months since our last update on the initiative to enhance the integration between Azure Boards and GitHub. We’re excited to share that many new features have been completed and are...

Azure Boards和GitHub集成已经增加了新功能。现在用户可以直接从Azure DevOps的工作项中创建GitHub分支。连接Azure DevOps项目到GitHub组织的过程已经优化,使得搜索和选择仓库更加容易。AB#链接现在直接出现在GitHub拉取请求的开发部分。由于存在错误,显示GitHub拉取请求详情的功能目前暂停。Azure Boards应用程序已经改进,以更好地通知用户有关工作项链接的有效性。更多功能将在未来几周内宣布。

Update on Azure Boards + GitHub Integration
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Bring your custom engine copilot from Azure OpenAI Studio to Microsoft Teams: now in public preview


Azure OpenAI now offers a Deploy to a Teams app option in public preview, providing a new way to connect enterprise data with custom engine copilots in Microsoft Teams. The post Bring your custom...

Azure OpenAI现在在Microsoft Teams中提供了公开预览的“Deploy to a Teams app”选项,帮助开发人员将其自定义引擎助手与Teams集成。开发人员可以从Azure OpenAI Studio中将其聊天应用无缝地带到Teams中,并连接企业数据。通过Teams AI库,开发人员可以构建对话机器人,利用大型语言模型的强大功能进行用户交互。用户可以通过几个简单的步骤将其聊天应用与Azure OpenAI Studio中的数据一起带到Teams中,并在Teams中测试和使用。

Bring your custom engine copilot from Azure OpenAI Studio to Microsoft Teams: now in public preview
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How to Connect to Azure SQL Database Using Azure Private Link


Azure Private Link is a secure means of accessing Azure PaaS Services (including Azure SQL Database and Azure Storage) over a private endpoint in a virtual network, which is not exposed to the...

Azure Private Link是一种安全访问Azure PaaS服务的方式,可以通过虚拟网络中的私有端点访问Azure SQL数据库和Azure存储。它提供了许多好处,如连接虚拟网络和Azure服务、保护数据安全、向消费者提供私有服务等。创建Azure Private Link需要登录Azure Portal账户,并按照步骤进行配置。使用dbForge Studio for SQL Server连接Azure SQL数据库也非常简单,只需输入凭据即可。该工具还提供了许多功能,如SQL代码自动完成、调试、查询构建、性能优化等。

How to Connect to Azure SQL Database Using Azure Private Link
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How to Install TimescaleDB on Azure


A walkthrough on installing TimescaleDB on Azure with hardware sizing recommendations.

TimescaleDB是一个建立在PostgreSQL之上的开源时间序列数据库,能高效地管理时间序列数据、事件和分析。本指南将指导您在Microsoft Azure上设置TimescaleDB,确保您拥有一个可扩展和高性能的数据库来处理时间序列数据。

How to Install TimescaleDB on Azure
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Microsoft: Linux Is the Top Operating System on Azure Today


In 2001, then- CEO Steve Balmer complained that “Linux is a cancer.” The future Los Angeles Clippers owner was referring to The post Microsoft: Linux Is the Top Operating System on Azure Today...

在Azure上,Linux是最广泛使用的操作系统,超过60%的Azure Marketplace提供基于Linux的服务。微软为确保Linux在Azure上的顺畅运行,成立了Linux平台组,提供对内部和Azure客户的支持。微软维护自己的内核Azure Linux,并与其他Linux发行版合作。微软通过Azure镜像基础设施确保软件包及时更新。此外,微软开发了LISA框架,用于自动化测试,并计划将其作为Azure的自助服务平台推出。

Microsoft: Linux Is the Top Operating System on Azure Today
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Sustainability: How Did Amazon, Azure, Google Perform in 2023?


The leading cloud providers and the mammoth global companies that run them are adopting environmentally sustainable practices, but it is The post Sustainability: How Did Amazon, Azure, Google...


Sustainability: How Did Amazon, Azure, Google Perform in 2023?
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How to Deploy Your Node.js App on Azure


The advent of cloud computing marked a turning point in the field of technology. It provides easier access for users across the globe to web and mobile applications and services. Modern-day...

这篇初学者指南介绍了如何将后端应用部署到Azure云端,使用Node.js/Express作为后端应用。文章详细介绍了在Azure上设置账户、部署应用以及使用VS Code集成进行代码部署的方法。读者可以通过这篇文章了解云计算的基本概念和Azure平台的使用。

How to Deploy Your Node.js App on Azure
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救命!我的 Azure Front Door WAF 规则不生效怎么办!


最近在用 Front Door加速网站访问,想添加一个这样的规则:只允许 /v1下的路径和特定国家的IP,其他 […]

最近使用Front Door加速网站访问,想添加一个规则,只允许/v1路径和特定国家的IP,其他全部禁止。配置时遇到问题,阻止规则不生效。通过查看WAF配置和日志,发现问题是规则中的matchValue需要改成完整的路径。问题解决后,可以删除不需要的资源。

救命!我的 Azure Front Door WAF 规则不生效怎么办!
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Modernize your mainframe applications with Azure


When it comes to modernizing existing applications, a strategic "best fit" approach is necessary, rather than an either/or decision. The post Modernize your mainframe applications with Azure...


Modernize your mainframe applications with Azure
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