


Discover the latest updates on Azure DevOps Server 2022, Dev Proxy integration with Azure API Center, SLMOps application building with Azure AI Studio, DataCamp's new Azure certification, and end of support for older Azure DevOps authentication. Stay informed and level up your skills with Azure.

Azure DevOps Server 2022 Update 2 RC now available


Today we’re thrilled to announce the release candidate (RC) of Azure DevOps Server 2022.2! This release includes new features that have been previously released in our hosted version of the product. Here are a few of the highlights: Limits for area and iteration paths Bypass approvals and checks in pipelines Improved YAML validation Azure Artifacts support for Cargo Crates New Dashboard directory experience Quick Copy and import for Test Plan or Suite ID There are more features with this release, The post Azure DevOps Server 2022 Update 2 RC now available appeared first on Azure DevOps Blog.

Azure DevOps Server 2022 Update 2 RC现已发布,包含之前在托管版本中发布的新功能。用户可以从任何TFS版本下载RC并进行升级。

Azure DevOps Server 2022 Update 2 RC now available
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Dev Proxy v0.17 includes integration with Azure API Center


We're excited to share the launch of Dev Proxy v0.17 to help you to build robust apps connected to APIs. The post Dev Proxy v0.17 includes integration with Azure API Center appeared first on Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.

Dev Proxy v0.17与Azure API Center集成,可检查应用程序中使用的API是否在Azure API Center注册,并且应用程序是否使用了已在Azure API Center注册的生产API。更新还包括改进的模拟请求功能以及更简化的Windows和macOS获取和设置。Dev Proxy Toolkit VSCode扩展帮助用户轻松管理Dev Proxy配置。Dev Proxy现在可在Windows的winget和macOS和Linux的Homebrew上使用。

Dev Proxy v0.17 includes integration with Azure API Center
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回顾 | SLMOps 系列(一) - SLMOps 基础 - Azure AI Studio 的 SLM 应用构建


点击蓝字关注我们编辑:Alan Wang排版:Rani Sun2023年,Azure OpenAI Service 引领了 AI 2.0 时代的热潮,各行业企业都在 AI 模型的探索与应用中持续发力。相比复杂度更高的大模型,有时候轻量且高效的小模型(SLM)往往更能够满足很多企业的实际需求。对于企业来说,无论是与 Azure OpenAI Service 直接对接,抑或是利用开源的 SLM 构建更...

2023年,Azure OpenAI Service引领AI 2.0时代,企业在AI模型探索与应用中持续发力。微软Reactor特别带来SLMOps系列分享,卢建晖将通过三期课程,结合SLM和Azure Machine Learning Service,帮助企业完成实际生产中的工程化应用落地。

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Level Up with DataCamp’s New Azure Certification


Enhance your data profession by learning Azure, a high-demand skill and expertise.


Level Up with DataCamp’s New Azure Certification
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End of Support for Microsoft products reliant on older Azure DevOps authentication


Azure DevOps will no longer guarantee support for older authentication methods in use by out-of-support Visual Studio and Microsoft products. Known impacted clients include: Visual Studio 2010 (end of support: July 14, 2020) Visual Studio 2012 (end of support: January 10, The post End of Support for Microsoft products reliant on older Azure DevOps authentication appeared first on Azure DevOps Blog.

微软将停止对依赖于较旧的Azure DevOps身份验证的产品提供支持,建议在2024年12月31日之前迁移到新版本。在2025年3月停止对这些产品中依赖于较旧的Azure DevOps身份验证的功能提供支持。

End of Support for Microsoft products reliant on older Azure DevOps authentication
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【活动预告】SLMOps 系列(一)|SLMOps 基础 - Azure AI Studio 的 SLM 应用构建


点击蓝字关注我们编辑:Alan Wang排版:Rani Sun2023年,Azure OpenAI Service 引领了 AI 2.0 时代的热潮,各行业企业都在 AI 模型的探索与应用中持续发力。相比复杂度更高的大模型,有时候轻量且高效的小模型(SLM)往往更能够满足很多企业的实际需求。对于企业来说,无论是与 Azure OpenAI Service 直接对接,抑或是利用开源的 SLM 构建更...

2023年,Azure OpenAI Service引领AI 2.0时代,企业在AI模型探索与应用中发力。微软Reactor推出SLMOps系列分享,帮助企业实现SLM应用的工程化落地。活动时间为2024年4月10日19:30-20:30。

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微软确认将在本月底在俄罗斯关闭Microsoft 365/Azure/Excel等服务


早前蓝点网已经提到由于欧盟在 2023 年 12 月对俄罗斯采取了第 12 轮制裁,微软、亚马逊以及谷歌等将无 […]


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Sai Srirampur: Enterprise-grade Replication from Postgres to Azure Event Hubs


At PeerDB, we are building a fast and a cost-effective way to replicate data from Postgres to Data Warehouses and Queues. Today we are releasing our Azure Event Hubs connector. With this, you get a fast, simple, and reliable way for Change Data Captu...

PeerDB发布了Azure Event Hubs连接器,提供了一种快速、简单和可靠的将Postgres数据复制到Azure Event Hubs的方法。PeerDB解决了使用Debezium复制Postgres到Event Hubs时的挑战,包括配置能力有限、设置和维护成本高以及不适用于Azure Event Hubs等问题。PeerDB提供了简单易用的SQL层,支持高可靠的CDC管道设置。它还实现了多个优化,提供亚秒级延迟和高吞吐量。此外,PeerDB还提供了高度可配置的功能,包括自定义分区键和分区计数,以及对JSON和JSONB列的扁平化处理。PeerDB还提供了企业级的安全性和隔离性,以及生产就绪的可观察性和Azure Monitor集成。

Sai Srirampur: Enterprise-grade Replication from Postgres to Azure Event Hubs
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