


Discover the latest insights and perspectives from top industry leaders in this collection of articles. Gain valuable knowledge and stay informed about the rise of CEOs in various sectors. Explore topics such as democratizing hyperspectral imaging, embracing AI and remote work, the impact of AI on smart homes, and more.

The Verge The Verge -

Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Källenius on not using Apple’s next-gen CarPlay and why EVs are still the future

Photo illustration by The Verge / Photo: Mercedes-Benz The all-EV future might not land in 2030, but it’s coming — and a new slate of challenges is coming with it. Continue reading…

梅赛德斯-奔驰首席执行官Ola Källenius在一次采访中讨论了公司的电动车计划和汽车行业的未来。Källenius确认梅赛德斯致力于逐步淘汰汽油车,并计划在本十年末实现全系列电动车。他还提到了公司专注于构建独特的汽车界面和体验,如Hyperscreen,这是一块运行梅赛德斯定制操作系统的大屏幕。Källenius强调了为客户创造无缝和整合的数字体验的重要性,并表示梅赛德斯将继续与谷歌和苹果等合作伙伴合作,以增强他们的信息娱乐系统。他还讨论了阿拉巴马州的工会化努力和即将推出的G-Wagen电动版本。

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HyperAI超神经 HyperAI超神经 -


据悉,Chemix 是一家成立于 2021 年的美国电动汽车电池开发商,该公司致力于推动电动汽车电池技术的革新,利用 AI 技术,设计、制造出更高效、更安全、更经济的电池。目前,公司已生成了数百万个自然界不存在的多样化 CRISPR 类蛋白。据悉,Cognivia 是首家、也是目前唯一一家将心理学量化治疗与 AI 技术相结合的公司,该公司基于对患者心理特征、期望和信念的定量理解,通过自主开发的特定问卷收集数据,运用机器学习算法,在临床试验中预测患者行为和治疗反应,从而改善临床试验及其他领域中对疗效的评估。

英国AI制药企业BenevolentAI宣布裁员30%,关闭美国办事处。Chemix获得2000万美元融资,用于电动汽车电池技术创新。Xaira Therapeutics获得10亿美元融资,是今年生物医药领域最高融资。Cognivia获得1550万欧元投资,是首家将心理学量化治疗与AI技术结合的公司。Profluence开源第一个AI生成的基因编辑器。辉瑞与CeMM合作开发AI预测配体-蛋白质相互作用方法。CartaBio完成数千万元融资,用于团队建设和平台升级。

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The Keyword The Keyword -

Q1 earnings call: CEO’s remarks

Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai's remarks from Q1 2024 earnings call

谷歌和Alphabet首席执行官Sundar Pichai表示,谷歌在AI领域有广阔的机会前景,强调了谷歌在研究、基础设施、搜索创新、全球产品布局、速度和执行以及盈利路径方面的优势。他还提到了谷歌在AI领域的投资和发展,并展望了未来的增长潜力。

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The Verge The Verge -

Discord CEO Jason Citron makes the case for a smaller, more private internet

Photo illustration by The Verge / Photo: Discord For teens and gamers, Discord has become their entire online social lives. Co-founder Jason Citron thinks the internet is headed more in that direction. Continue reading…


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爱范儿 爱范儿 -

早报|机构预测华为今年重回国内手机市场第一/美团 CEO 点评理想 L6/12.9 英寸 iPad Air 或搭载 mini-LED 屏幕

· 苹果回收商私自将报废 iPhone 销往中国 · 百度智能云宣布国内首家支持 Llama3 全系列训练推理 · Google 整合 Android 和硬件部门,致力 AI 体验#欢迎关注爱范儿官方微信公众号:爱范儿(微信号:ifanr),更多精彩内容第一时间为您奉上。 爱范儿 | 原文链接 · 查看评论 · 新浪微博


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The Verge The Verge -

Everything you need to know about Disney, ESPN, and Bob Iger’s return as CEO

Image: The Verge Disney has big decisions to make about streaming, sports, Marvel, and more. Continue reading…

迪士尼首席执行官Bob Iger重新掌权,致力于撤销前任Bob Chapek的改变,将公司重点转向流媒体。Iger计划将Disney Plus和Hulu合并为捆绑订阅服务,推出仅限流媒体的ESPN版本,并与福克斯和华纳兄弟合作。

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Seeing Beyond: Living Optics CEO Robin Wang on Democratizing Hyperspectral Imaging

Step into the realm of the unseen with Robin Wang, CEO of Living Optics. The startup cofounder discusses the power of hyperspectral imaging with AI Podcast host Noah Kravitz in an episode recorded live at the NVIDIA GTC global AI conference. Living Optics’ hyperspectral imaging camera, which can capture visual data across 96 colors, reveals Read Article

Living Optics CEO Robin Wang discusses the power of hyperspectral imaging in an episode of the NVIDIA AI Podcast. Their camera captures visual data across 96 colors, revealing hidden details. The startup aims to empower users across industries with richer datasets. Living Optics is a member of the NVIDIA Inception program.

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The Verge The Verge -

Dropbox CEO Drew Houston wants you to embrace AI and remote work

Photo illustration by The Verge / Photo: Dropbox Leaders can’t ‘keep mashing the go back to 2019 button.’ Continue reading…

Dropbox CEO Drew Houston discusses the company's history, approach to AI, and transition to remote work. He talks about early days, competition with other cloud storage providers, and focus on AI for organization. Houston emphasizes transparency, control, and customer trust in AI and data privacy. He also mentions challenges and opportunities of AI and the need for a level playing field in the tech industry.

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AI Is Tech’s ‘Greatest Contribution to Social Elevation,’ NVIDIA CEO Tells Oregon State Students

Amid a flurry of investments in higher education, NVIDIA founder Jensen Huang highlights potential for AI to serve as a “collaborator” as alma mater breaks ground on $213 million research complex.

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang believes AI is the technology industry's greatest contribution to social elevation, providing opportunities for economic prosperity. Huang emphasizes the importance of programming skills and AI as a collaborator and tutor. NVIDIA is committed to advancing AI and has announced partnerships with universities. Huang sees AI as a tool that can revolutionize work in various disciplines. The groundbreaking of the Jen-Hsun Huang and Lori Mills Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex at Oregon State University supports the semiconductor and technology industry.

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The Verge The Verge -

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy takes a dim view of antitrust enforcement

Andy Jassy is being persecuted by those meanies at the FTC, says Andy Jassy. | Illustration by Laura Normand / The Verge Andy Jassy, CEO of the biggest e-commerce store in the world, is very upset with the regulators who won’t let him buy more companies. In January, Amazon decided it wasn’t going to buy Roomba maker iRobot for $1.4 billion, after discovering that the EU probably wouldn’t approve the deal and that the FTC had some concerns. Regulators blocked the acquisition because, Jassy told CNBC, “They worry that we’re going to feature our vacuum cleaner, the Roomba, vs. others, which of course is not our model.” Weird that the FTC, which has filed a massive lawsuit against Amazon for alleged anticompetitive behavior, would ever even think that! Amazon would never promote its own vacuum cleaner on its site in a way that harmed competition — like, that a... Continue reading…


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