


本列表页提供了关于云计算资源保护、OpenTelemetry和Grafana Cloud的LLM可观测性的完全指南,包括如何保护云计算资源免受加密货币挖矿攻击,以及如何使用Java概念构建云计算实例等内容。

巴黎 2024:阿里云和奥林匹克广播服务推出 AI 驱动的 OBS Cloud 3.0


阿里云宣布推出面向 2024 年巴黎奥运会(Paris 2024)的 OBS Cloud 3.0。OBS Cloud 3.0 结合了人工智能驱动的云技术,使奥林匹克广播服务(OBS...

阿里云推出OBS Cloud 3.0,结合人工智能驱动的云技术,提供高效的奥林匹克广播服务和媒体版权持有者工作。OBS Live Cloud成为首个远程分发方式,通过云端传输内容在可扩展性、灵活性和成本方面优于其他方式,提高体育赛事广播的稳定性和灵活性。阿里云的Content+平台提供超高清内容,简化远程制作工作流程,同时提供多摄像机回放系统,提升观看体验。

巴黎 2024:阿里云和奥林匹克广播服务推出 AI 驱动的 OBS Cloud 3.0
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Adobe exec compared Creative Cloud cancellation fees to ‘heroin’


Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge Early termination fees are “a bit like heroin for Adobe,” according to an Adobe executive quoted in the FTC’s newly unredacted complaint against the...

Adobe is facing a complaint from the FTC for allegedly hiding fees and making it difficult to cancel Creative Cloud subscriptions. The unredacted complaint reveals customer dissatisfaction with surprise early termination fees. Adobe denies the allegations, stating that early termination fees represent less than half a percent of their annual revenue. The FTC claims that Adobe deceptively enrolls consumers in its most lucrative subscription plan without clearly disclosing important terms. Adobe argues that calculating and displaying the termination fee is not easy. Recent legal changes may affect the outcome of the FTC's case.

Adobe exec compared Creative Cloud cancellation fees to ‘heroin’
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A Bootiful Podcast: Cloud Legend Mark Fynes


Hi, Spring fans! In this installment I talk to Mark Fynes. Mark’s a field principal with Tanzu at Broadcom, building platforms with our Pivotal/VMWare/Broadcom customers for the past 10 years....

本期播客中,Spring框架创始人Mark Fynes分享了他与Pivotal/VMWare/Broadcom客户合作构建平台的经验。

A Bootiful Podcast: Cloud Legend Mark Fynes
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Managing Your Cloud Security Posture on DigitalOcean


Security in the cloud can be intimidating. There are multiple layers to consider, from simply protecting your cloud account login down to hardcore Linux operating system security. Founders and...

数字海洋与ScoutSuite合作,提供云安全配置扫描服务。ScoutSuite是一款多云安全审计工具,支持AWS、GCP、Azure等云服务提供商。数字海洋支持ScoutSuite扫描27个常见安全配置,包括Droplet、数据库、防火墙、负载均衡器、域名、Spaces和Kubernetes等服务。用户通过扫描这些配置,及时发现和修复潜在的安全风险。ScoutSuite使用简单,只需安装Python 3并设置访问令牌。数字海洋的支持帮助用户更好地保护云环境的安全。

Managing Your Cloud Security Posture on DigitalOcean
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Chrome adds new warnings and cloud scanning for suspicious downloads


Image: Google Google has updated the suspicious file warnings Chrome displays for why it might have blocked a potentially suspicious or dangerous file download to hopefully give users clearer...


Chrome adds new warnings and cloud scanning for suspicious downloads
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Optimizing data flexibility and performance with hybrid cloud


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Optimizing data flexibility and performance with hybrid cloud
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Google Cloud Introduces Geo-Partitioning for Spanner: Reduced Latency and Cost Optimization


Google Cloud has announced adding geo-partitioning to Spanner, its fully-managed, globally distributed database. According to the company, this new feature aims to improve performance and user...

Google Cloud推出了Spanner的地理分区功能,提高地理分散应用和用户的性能和用户体验,同时优化运营成本。地理分区可以减少延迟,提高网络延迟,实现更快的响应时间和更低的成本。

Google Cloud Introduces Geo-Partitioning for Spanner: Reduced Latency and Cost Optimization
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How to Deploy the Nextcloud Cloud Server on AlmaLinux


Cloud services are all over the place. For most people, the usual options (such as , iCloud, etc.) are fine. The post How to Deploy the Nextcloud Cloud Server on AlmaLinux appeared first on The New Stack.


How to Deploy the Nextcloud Cloud Server on AlmaLinux
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Observability Takes Flight With Cloud Canaries


Observability platforms are increasingly important to DevOps teams wrestling with the accelerating frequency of deployment and the expanding focus on The post Observability Takes Flight With Cloud...

Cloud Canaries是由Mark Callahan创立的公司,开发了一种基于人工智能的开放服务,提供轻量级代理程序Intelligent Canaries。这些Canaries实时收集性能数据并检测软件系统中的问题,为软件工程师提供洞察和预测,帮助他们主动修复问题。使用Cloud Canaries的Aviary平台,可以轻松创建、调度和管理这些Canaries。该公司旨在提供与更大的可观察性平台相同的解决方案,但更快、更便宜、更高效。Cloud Canaries还允许开发人员在公司内部或与外部人员共享他们的Canaries。该公司的竞争优势包括速度、开放平台和订阅计划,其成本仅为其他可观察性平台的10%。

Observability Takes Flight With Cloud Canaries
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Michael Christofides: Which cloud providers support auto_explain?


Photo credit: Kenrick Mills From time to time I need to check whether a managed Postgres provider supports auto_explain, and if so, which auto_explain parameters they support. Since it can be...


Michael Christofides: Which cloud providers support auto_explain?
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