



AWS Discontinues Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)


AWS recently announced that new customers can no longer sign up for Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB), a managed service providing an immutable transaction log maintained by a central trusted...

亚马逊AWS宣布关闭Amazon Quantum Ledger Database(QLDB),现有用户需迁移到Aurora PostgreSQL。AWS强调QLDB支持将于2025年7月31日结束,鼓励用户联系AWS代表以计划迁移。用户担心数据完整性可能会受到影响。

AWS Discontinues Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)
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How Stripe Scaled to 5 Million Database Queries Per Second


WorkOS: modern identity platform for B2B SaaS (Sponsored) Start selling to enterprises with just a few lines of code. → WorkOS provides a complete User Management solution along with SSO, SCIM,...

WorkOS为B2B SaaS提供了灵活的API的用户管理解决方案。Stripe的成功在于使用基于MongoDB的数据库服务DocDB的水平扩展能力,该服务支持超过10,000种查询类型,并且以逻辑数据库和物理数据库的形式运行在分片上。Stripe的数据迁移平台实现了零停机时间的数据迁移,包括分块迁移注册、批量数据导入、异步复制、正确性检查、流量切换和分块迁移注销。

How Stripe Scaled to 5 Million Database Queries Per Second
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How to Connect to Azure SQL Database Using Azure Private Link


Azure Private Link is a secure means of accessing Azure PaaS Services (including Azure SQL Database and Azure Storage) over a private endpoint in a virtual network, which is not exposed to the...

Azure Private Link是一种安全访问Azure PaaS服务的方式,可以通过虚拟网络中的私有端点访问Azure SQL数据库和Azure存储。它提供了许多好处,如连接虚拟网络和Azure服务、保护数据安全、向消费者提供私有服务等。创建Azure Private Link需要登录Azure Portal账户,并按照步骤进行配置。使用dbForge Studio for SQL Server连接Azure SQL数据库也非常简单,只需输入凭据即可。该工具还提供了许多功能,如SQL代码自动完成、调试、查询构建、性能优化等。

How to Connect to Azure SQL Database Using Azure Private Link
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How to set up an open source database monitoring stack with Grafana Cloud


One of the great powers of Grafana is the open source community behind it — a community that provides a breadth of ready-to-use dashboards, plugins, exporters, and instructions that make a million...

Grafana和Prometheus结合可提供数据库监控能力,Grafana Cloud免费易用。使用Grafana Alloy和Grafana Cloud监控Oracle数据库性能。Grafana Alloy是OpenTelemetry Collector的开源版本,Grafana Cloud是成本效益高的SaaS解决方案。通过Alloy和Cloud,可将Oracle指标发送到云端,并使用Grafana Cloud的仪表板查看数据。提供灵活的自定义指标和查询。

How to set up an open source database monitoring stack with Grafana Cloud
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A Crash Course on Relational Database Design


In today's data-driven world, efficient storage and management of information are critical requirements for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Relational databases provide a robust...


A Crash Course on Relational Database Design
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How to choose a vector database


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How to choose a vector database
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Use Your Data in LLMs With the Vector Database You Already Have


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向LLM模型添加内部数据存储的数据可以提升模型性能,使用本地事实知识来提示LLM可以得到与组织已知情况相关的回答,减少“AI幻觉”并提高相关性。Apache Cassandra 5.0、OpenSearch和PostgreSQL是实施LLM的最直接途径,它们提供定制和准确的AI体验。开源向量数据库是解决定制LLM响应的解决方案。

Use Your Data in LLMs With the Vector Database You Already Have
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NoSQL Database Growth Has Slowed, but AI Is Driving Demand


Four years ago, I wrote about how NoSQL databases were growing fast — in large part due to their compatibility The post NoSQL Database Growth Has Slowed, but AI Is Driving Demand appeared first on...

尽管增长率略有下降,但NoSQL数据库(如MongoDB和Redis)仍然是开发者的热门选择。自2021年以来,向量数据库经历了快速增长,但尚未达到文档存储和键值存储的普及程度。Redis和MongoDB针对生成式人工智能用例进行了定位,Redis专注于AI助手Redis CoPilot,MongoDB则强调其在生成式AI工作负载方面的性能。所有数据库公司都受益于对人工智能的需求。

NoSQL Database Growth Has Slowed, but AI Is Driving Demand
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Time Series Database QuestDB 8.0 Improves SQL Performance and Adds ZFS Compression


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Time Series Database QuestDB 8.0 Improves SQL Performance and Adds ZFS Compression
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