


了解GitLab支持FedRAMP授权之旅、GitLab CI/CD目录、构建GitLab CI/CD管道的简便方法、可视化改进GitLab合并训练体验、使用GitLab AI功能在GitLab Workspace中开箱即用等内容。

Embracing Documentation as Code with GitLab: A Modern Approach to Team Collaboration


In the evolving world of software development, teams are constantly seeking more efficient ways to collaborate, streamline workflows, and improve communication. One often overlooked aspect of this...


Embracing Documentation as Code with GitLab: A Modern Approach to Team Collaboration
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GitLab named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for DevOps Platforms


DevOps was originally just a concept, a methodology for delivering software faster by bringing traditionally disparate teams together. It was a response to all the issues caused by the separation...

GitLab在Gartner DevOps平台魔力象限的第二次评估中被评为领导者。GitLab旨在提供一个单一的DevOps平台,以实现更紧密的协作、更大的自动化和标准化流程。他们计划扩展平台以包括敏捷规划、数据科学和可观察性功能。GitLab还通过在代码提交阶段集成安全扫描和简化合规性来帮助软件组织应对安全威胁和合规要求。此外,他们致力于在人工智能技术方面取得领先地位,并注重隐私和透明度。

GitLab named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for DevOps Platforms
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Use minio as an external object storage with Gitlab


Context and reasoning Gitlab can be installed on a Kubernetes cluster with the help of the official Gitlab Helm chart. I have installed a full version of Gitlab on a Rancher managed Kubernetes...

本文介绍了在Kubernetes集群上安装Gitlab并使用独立的Minio实例作为对象存储的方法。通过Bitnami chart安装Minio并创建存储桶。禁用Gitlab的托管Minio实例并创建连接密钥。更新Gitlab的配置文件以使用新的Minio实例。

Use minio as an external object storage with Gitlab
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Annotate container images with build provenance using Cosign in GitLab CI/CD


Container security has become a critical concern in software development. As organizations increasingly rely on containerized applications, ensuring the integrity and traceability of container...


Annotate container images with build provenance using Cosign in GitLab CI/CD
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GitLab Duo Enterprise is now available


GitLab Duo Enterprise, now available, is an end-to-end AI partner designed for the entire software development lifecycle. This powerful suite of AI tools is designed to boost developer...

GitLab Duo Enterprise是软件开发的AI合作伙伴,旨在提高生产力,增强安全性,简化协作,加速DevSecOps流程。它提供智能代码辅助、自动化测试生成、团队协作增强和ROI量化等功能。该平台解决了企业软件开发中的常见痛点,并提供了改善开发者体验、安全性、协作和ROI评估的解决方案。GitLab Duo Enterprise还包括代码解释、重构、讨论摘要、合并请求摘要和代码审查摘要等工具。它通过根本原因分析简化故障排除和调试,并通过漏洞解释和解决方案提升安全性。该平台还提供了一个AI影响仪表板,用于量化AI采用的影响。GitLab在Gartner AI代码助手魔力象限中被认可为领导者。

GitLab Duo Enterprise is now available
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5 videos and interactive tours to learn GitLab Duo fast


GitLab Duo is a suite of AI-powered features designed to assist DevSecOps teams throughout the software development lifecycle. Integrated seamlessly into the GitLab platform, GitLab Duo leverages...

GitLab Duo是一套AI功能的套件,旨在协助DevSecOps团队在软件开发生命周期中使用。它无缝集成到GitLab平台中,利用人工智能提高生产力,改善代码质量,并简化各种开发和安全流程。文章介绍了GitLab Duo的功能和好处,并提供了五个视频和互动导览,帮助您学习如何将这个AI工具整合到工作流程中。

5 videos and interactive tours to learn GitLab Duo fast
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Tutorial: Migrate from Google Cloud Source Repositories to GitLab


Google Cloud’s deprecation of Cloud Source Repositories (CSR) has prompted development teams to seek a full-featured alternative for their source code repositories. GitLab, a Google Cloud...

Google Cloud的Cloud Source Repositories(CSR)停用,开发团队寻找全功能的源代码存储库替代品。GitLab是一个强大的选择,具备全面的DevSecOps功能。本教程将教你如何从CSR平滑过渡到GitLab,无论是使用GitLab.com还是在Google Cloud上的自托管实例。GitLab与Google Cloud无缝集成,提供统一的DevSecOps平台、高级CI/CD功能和AI辅助开发,是开发者迁移后提升工作流程的理想选择。

Tutorial: Migrate from Google Cloud Source Repositories to GitLab
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How Indeed transformed its CI platform with GitLab


Editor's note: From time to time, we invite members of our customer community to contribute to the GitLab Blog. Thanks to Carl Myers, Manager of CI Platforms at Indeed, for sharing your experience...

Indeed将其CI平台从Jenkins迁移到GitLab CI,以更有效地支持数千名用户,每天的流水线增加了79%,CI硬件成本降低了10-20%。迁移是必要的,因为Jenkins的架构不适用于云环境并存在一些限制。通过采用GitLab CI,Indeed能够简化更新并鼓励项目之间的一致性实践。迁移成功的原因是采用了Golden Path模式和InnerSource,允许外部贡献。迁移提前完成且在预算内,提高了CI效率和用户满意度。

How Indeed transformed its CI platform with GitLab
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Ultimate guide to migrating from AWS CodeCommit to GitLab


On July 25, 2024, AWS made a significant announcement regarding its CodeCommit service. As detailed in their official blog post, AWS has decided to close new customer access to CodeCommit. While...

亚马逊AWS关闭新客户对CodeCommit服务的访问,现有客户可继续使用。提供了详细指南,帮助开发团队迁移到GitLab并与AWS服务集成。指南包括逐步迁移到GitLab、与AWS CodeBuild集成、与AWS CodePipeline集成、CodePipeline和CodeStar Connections的下游集成。通过此指南,学习如何创建高效灵活的开发工作流程。

Ultimate guide to migrating from AWS CodeCommit to GitLab
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Refactor code into modern languages with AI-powered GitLab Duo


Whether you are tasked with modernizing the code base or framework by switching to a new programming language, or you need knowledge about new language features in the same language, AI-powered...

GitLab Duo是一款AI驱动的工具,可帮助解决代码重构挑战和理解新的语言特性。它提供了将Java 7代码重构为Java 8和将C++代码重构为不同标准的示例。还讨论了使用Python重构COBOL程序,将C代码迁移到Rust,以及将Perl代码重构为Python。GitLab Duo为各种编程语言提供解释、代码建议和重构提示。该工具高效且可用于长期迁移和现代化计划。

Refactor code into modern languages with AI-powered GitLab Duo
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