



Percona Database Performance Blog

Percona Database Performance Blog -

Benchmarking MongoDB Performance on Kubernetes

Cloud-native databases are becoming the norm, and containerized databases are a common trend (see the report from Dynatrace and Figure 1). Kubernetes—the de facto standard for platform engineers—and operators simplify database deployment and management. But what are the performance implications of running databases in Kubernetes? To answer this question, we compared the performance of Percona Server for […]

云原生数据库成为常态,容器化数据库成为常见趋势。本文比较了裸金属服务器上的Percona Server for MongoDB与Kubernetes上的Percona Operator for MongoDB的性能。结果显示,在Kubernetes中运行没有性能损失。使用多种硬件配置和全面的测试,结果一致表明两个环境的性能水平相当。这表明,Kubernetes在Percona Operator for MongoDB的帮助下,能够托管云原生数据库而不影响效率和速度。

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前不久跟一位华为云工程师朋友聚了一下,聊到Kubernetes时,他给我分享了一个好东西,《Kubernete […]


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【外评】为什么以及何时需要使用 Kubernetes?

利用 Kubernetes:最大限度地提高数字基础设施的效率和可靠性


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实践展示openEuler部署Kubernetes 1.29.4版本集群

带你通过openEuler部署Kubernetes 1.29.4版本集群。

本文介绍了在华为云上部署Kubernetes 1.29.4版本集群的步骤,包括准备节点配置、主机名和IP地址解析、防火墙和SELINUX配置、时间同步和内核路由转发、安装ipset和ipvsadm、关闭SWAP分区、安装containerd容器环境和calico网络插件,并查看节点和Pod的状态。

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Percona Database Performance Blog

Percona Database Performance Blog -

Should You Deploy Your Databases on Kubernetes? And What Makes StatefulSet Worthwhile?

Why do cloud-native databases matter?Kubernetes makes it easier to run applications. It’s like having a magic wand for managing everything from small tasks to significant operations. However, despite the popularity of Kubernetes, there are many cases when it might not be the best solution for your database needs.Kubernetes wasn’t built with the needs of databases […]


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Percona Database Performance Blog

Percona Database Performance Blog -

Switch PostgreSQL Environments Across AWS, GCP, and k3d Using Kubernetes Contexts

This article explains how to install the Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL on Kubernetes using “context”. We will show you how to set up this distribution on Kubernetes clusters in AWS, Google Cloud, and locally with k3d. You’ll also learn how to switch between these setups to test them effectively.In Kubernetes, a context is a profile […]

本文介绍了在Kubernetes上安装Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL的步骤,包括在AWS、Google Cloud和本地k3d上设置和切换context,以及使用Helm安装。文章强调了在不同平台上测试该分发的重要性。

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Planet PostgreSQL

Planet PostgreSQL -

Gabriele Bartolini: CloudNativePG Recipe 7: Postgres Vertical Scaling with Storage in Kubernetes - part 2

This is the second article in a series that explores advanced strategies for scaling PostgreSQL databases in Kubernetes with the help of CloudNativePG. This article focuses on horizontal table partitioning and tablespaces and how they can be used to manage large datasets. By partitioning tables based on specific criteria and optimising storage with tablespaces, PostgreSQL users can achieve better scalability and performance in cloud-native environments, just like they could in traditional VMs or bare metal deployments.


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BriefGPT - AI 论文速递

BriefGPT - AI 论文速递 -

AntBatchInfer:Kubernetes 集群中的弹性批量推断

AntBatchInfer 是一种针对非专用集群进行优化的弹性离线批量推理框架,通过提供多级容错能力和改进推理效率的方法,稳定高效地执行复杂的单模型和多模型批量推理任务,并在稳定性和效率方面表现优越。


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程序员充电站 -

Docker、Kubernetes、KubeSphere 简易使用文档

1. Docker 相关命令 1.1 Docker 服务相关命令 启动 Docker 服务 systemctl start docker 停止 Docker 服务 systemctl stop doc […] The post Docker、Kubernetes、KubeSphere 简易使用文档 appeared first on 程序员充电站.


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Percona Database Performance Blog

Percona Database Performance Blog -

Percona Monitoring and Management Setup on Kubernetes with NGINX Ingress for External Databases

It’s a common scenario to have a Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) server running on Kubernetes and also desire to monitor databases that are running outside the Kubernetes cluster. The Ingress NGINX Controller is one of the most popular choices for managing the inbound traffic to K8s. It acts as a reverse proxy and load […]

本文介绍了在Kubernetes上运行Percona Monitoring and Management(PMM)服务器并监控运行在Kubernetes集群外的数据库的常见情况。使用Ingress NGINX Controller来管理K8s的入站流量是最受欢迎的选择之一。文章提供了在Kubernetes上安装PMM服务器和配置PMM客户端的详细步骤,并介绍了如何将流量路由到Kubernetes集群。最后,文章强调了PMM服务器和客户端之间通信所需的gRPC框架的重要性。

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