



Linux Command-Line Mastery: Exploring Diverse Programming Practices


Embark on an exciting journey through the vast expanse of the Linux command-line universe! In this captivating collection, we'll delve into a diverse array of programming practices, from comparing...


Linux Command-Line Mastery: Exploring Diverse Programming Practices
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使用 Ansible 管理 Linux 系统的配置文件


用 Ansible 更系统地管理 Linux 各类配置文件。查看全文


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10-Must have tools as a Developer on Linux


Here are 10 essential tools that every Linux developer should be familiar with: 1. Text Editor/IDE: VS Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/ - A versatile and highly customizable...


10-Must have tools as a Developer on Linux
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Learning Linux? Start Here


Learning Linux has never been easier. There are plenty of resources out there, lots of opportunities for hands-on experience, and The post Learning Linux? Start Here appeared first on The New Stack.


Learning Linux? Start Here
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Visualizing Linux system call in real-time


Here's a step-by-step guide to visualize Linux system calls in real-time on Ubuntu using the perf tool: Prerequisites Make sure you have the linux-tools-common and linux-tools-generic...

本文介绍了在Ubuntu上使用perf工具实时可视化Linux系统调用的方法。通过安装软件包和运行perf trace命令,可以生成火焰图,帮助用户了解系统行为、识别性能问题和优化应用程序。

Visualizing Linux system call in real-time
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Linux Process Creation and internal working


To understand the connections between each point of interaction between the kernel and a program, we can break down the interactions into several key areas. Each point relates to others through...


Linux Process Creation and internal working
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Creating and connecting to a Linux VM using a public key.


Creating a Linux Virtual Machine (VM) on Azure is straightforward and allows for secure and efficient management of your server. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to set up a Linux...

本文介绍了在Azure上创建Linux虚拟机的步骤,包括登录Azure Portal、创建虚拟机、配置设置、连接虚拟机等。通过SSH公钥认证成功创建和连接了虚拟机。

Creating and connecting to a Linux VM using a public key.
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How to install all the tools you need and want in Kali Linux with one command (From top 10 to default to everything)


Kali metapackages; install all the tools you want with a simple Command' Did you just finish a fresh install of Kali and get all excited to play around with all of the tools you see everyone use,...

Kali Linux提供了多个元包,方便安装各种工具集合。这些元包包括前十名工具、默认工具、全部工具、大量工具、Web应用测试工具、取证分析工具、密码破解工具、RFID分析工具、基于GPU的攻击工具、SDR分析工具、VoIP分析工具、无线网络分析工具、Nethunter工具和漏洞开发工具。用户可以选择最适合自己需求的元包,并在需要时安装多个元包。

How to install all the tools you need and want in Kali Linux with one command (From top 10 to default to everything)
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“宇宙最强”开源代码编辑器——VS Code优化Linux版本UI、改进Copilot功能……


宇宙最强开源代码编辑器——Visual Studio Code 发布了 8 月份更新:version 1.93。具体更新内容如下:Profiles editor - 用于切换和管理配置文件的统一入口新的 Profiles 编辑器现在可在 Visual Studio Code 中全面使用。此体验包括创建新配置文件、编辑和删除现有配置文件以及导入和导出配置文件以与他人共享。有关更多信息,可参阅 Pro...

Visual Studio Code 8月份更新包括Profiles编辑器、优化Linux窗口控件、支持Django单元测试、在vscode.dev中使用IntelliSense、Notebook diff viewer、通过键盘调整列大小、Source Control Graph、GitHub Copilot等功能。

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雜談:最近發現了臺灣Linux遊戲玩家Ivon / Talk: Ivon, a Linux Gamer from Taiwan


Ivon想要在Linux上玩遊戲的熱情真是讓我佩服得五體投地。 https://ivonblog.com/posts/ubuntu-gpu-passthrough/  我之前研究如何在Proxmox...

这篇文章讲述了台湾Linux游戏玩家Ivon的经历和他在Linux上玩游戏的心得。他分享了在Proxmox VE中将显卡直通给虚拟机的方法,以及在Linux环境下玩Windows游戏的经验。他认为使用虚拟机和正确的客户操作系统可以确保游戏的正常运行,但仍需解决操作客户操作系统桌面的问题。

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