


了解微软奖励计划不再支持免费兑换Xbox Game Pass订阅、Microsoft Entra套件的AI强化统一安全运营平台、Microsoft发布的最新动态等内容。

Microsoft calls for Windows changes and resilience after CrowdStrike outage


Image: The Verge Microsoft is still helping CrowdStrike clean up the mess that kicked off a week ago when 8.5 million PCs went offline due to a buggy CrowdStrike update. Now, the software giant...

微软正在帮助CrowdStrike解决其有缺陷的更新导致的宕机问题。微软呼吁改进Windows的韧性,限制安全供应商对内核的访问。微软计划通过VBS enclaves和Azure Attestation服务来改进Windows的安全性。

Microsoft calls for Windows changes and resilience after CrowdStrike outage
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Revolutionizing community access to social services: IBM and Microsoft’s collaborative approach


Partnering to develop a platform to bridge the division and enhance the delivery of social services support to communities in need. The post Revolutionizing community access to social services:...

IBM Consulting and Microsoft are partnering to develop IBM Connect360, a platform that aims to enhance the delivery of social services support to communities in need. The platform focuses on enabling collaboration, improving citizen access to services, empowering citizens, strengthening decision-making ability, and increasing community data connection. It integrates data from various social services agency systems and is hosted on Microsoft Azure, providing security, performance, and reliability. The platform facilitates interdepartmental collaboration and the participation of Contracted Service Providers and Community-Based Organizations.

Revolutionizing community access to social services: IBM and Microsoft’s collaborative approach
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CrowdStrike and Microsoft: all the latest news on the global IT outage


Image: The Verge A global IT outage grounded flights and resulted in outages at the London Stock Exchange and other systems early Friday morning. Continue reading…


CrowdStrike and Microsoft: all the latest news on the global IT outage
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Microsoft’s IT Outage Reminder: Rust Is Better Than C/C++


Last week, the blue screen of death (BSOD) appeared on Windows systems across the world, caused by a faulty configuration The post Microsoft’s IT Outage Reminder: Rust Is Better Than C/C++...


Microsoft’s IT Outage Reminder: Rust Is Better Than C/C++
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Microsoft is bringing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III to Xbox Game Pass


Image: Activision Microsoft is bringing last year’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III to Xbox Game Pass tomorrow. It’s the first time a Call of Duty game will be available on Game Pass, and it’s...

微软将于明天将去年的《使命召唤:现代战争3》引入Xbox Game Pass。这是《使命召唤》系列首次登陆Game Pass,也是自微软收购动视暴雪以来,该系列最后一款拥有PlayStation独占内容的游戏。《使命召唤:现代战争3》将于7月24日在Xbox Game Pass for Console、PC Game Pass和Xbox Game Pass Ultimate上推出。微软宣布了其订阅服务的价格上涨,但《使命召唤:现代战争3》登陆Game Pass可能会缓解价格上涨的冲击。微软还计划在今年晚些时候将动视暴雪受欢迎系列的下一部作品《使命召唤:黑色行动6》推出Xbox Game Pass。现有的Xbox Game Pass订阅者将获得在Game Pass上访问《使命召唤:黑色行动6》的权限。新成员需要订阅高级的Ultimate订阅才能获得《使命召唤:黑色行动6》的日一访

Microsoft is bringing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III to Xbox Game Pass
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Microsoft releases recovery tool to help repair Windows machines hit by CrowdStrike issue


Image: The Verge Microsoft has released a recovery tool that’s designed to help IT admins repair Windows machines that were impacted by CrowdStrike’s faulty update that crashed 8.5 million...

微软发布了一款恢复工具,帮助IT管理员修复受CrowdStrike错误更新影响的Windows设备。该工具创建可启动的USB驱动器,通过USB引导到Windows PE环境,自动删除问题的CrowdStrike文件,使设备能正常启动。如果磁盘受BitLocker加密保护,工具将提示输入BitLocker恢复密钥。

Microsoft releases recovery tool to help repair Windows machines hit by CrowdStrike issue
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CrowdStrike’s faulty update crashed 8.5 million Windows devices, says Microsoft


Image: The Verge CrowdStrike’s faulty update caused a worldwide tech disaster that affected 8.5 million Windows devices on Friday, according to Microsoft. Microsoft says that’s “less than one...

CrowdStrike的错误更新导致全球范围内的技术灾难,影响了850万台Windows设备。更新配置文件导致系统崩溃,受影响的系统是运行Falcon传感器的Windows 7.11及以上版本。

CrowdStrike’s faulty update crashed 8.5 million Windows devices, says Microsoft
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Microsoft宣布将在开发人员会议上专注于.NET Aspire


2024年7月15日微软宣布,其开发执行团队将在下个月的开发者大会上聚焦于使用 .NET Aspire 的云原生开发,以及结合人工智能的“现代 SQL”在 Microsoft Fabric 中的应用。微软的 Visual Studio LIVE! 2024 大会不仅是一个会议,而是创新、学习和社区庆祝的盛会。大会将于 8 月 5 日至 9 日在微软总部雷德蒙德举行,公司高层执行人员将发表两场主题演...

微软宣布2024年开发者大会将聚焦云原生开发和人工智能应用,介绍.NET Aspire和现代SQL在Microsoft Fabric中的应用,展示对现代SQL的看法,以及利用人工智能和Microsoft Fabric提高应用程序效率。大会提供网络机会、动手实验室和70+个会议环节。

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Microsoft: Linux Is the Top Operating System on Azure Today


In 2001, then- CEO Steve Balmer complained that “Linux is a cancer.” The future Los Angeles Clippers owner was referring to The post Microsoft: Linux Is the Top Operating System on Azure Today...

在Azure上,Linux是最广泛使用的操作系统,超过60%的Azure Marketplace提供基于Linux的服务。微软为确保Linux在Azure上的顺畅运行,成立了Linux平台组,提供对内部和Azure客户的支持。微软维护自己的内核Azure Linux,并与其他Linux发行版合作。微软通过Azure镜像基础设施确保软件包及时更新。此外,微软开发了LISA框架,用于自动化测试,并计划将其作为Azure的自助服务平台推出。

Microsoft: Linux Is the Top Operating System on Azure Today
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Microsoft on CrowdStrike outage: have you tried turning it off and on? (15 times)


Image: Channel 4 / Talkback Thames Have you turned it off and on again? That familiar refrain from IT departments and The IT Crowd is being echoed by Microsoft today as a recommended way of...


Microsoft on CrowdStrike outage: have you tried turning it off and on? (15 times)
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