
 microsoft teams 


Microsoft Teams开发者指南为你介绍了如何扩展你的应用能力,提升用户体验。了解如何使用API-based message extensions和Copilot AI功能,以及如何准备你的应用以适应即将到来的域名更改。

即便分拆Microsoft Teams也无济于事 传欧盟将对微软提起反垄断诉讼


欧盟本周宣布将酒店预订网站缤客 (Booking.com) 指定为欧盟市场的第七个看门人,前六个分别是谷歌母公 […]

欧盟指定Booking.com为第七个受监管的平台。欧盟计划对微软提出反垄断指控,原因是Microsoft Teams软件。竞争对手担心微软在Windows上提供更好的兼容性和体验。预计欧盟将在未来几周发出公告,微软可能会和解。

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微软再次提醒将在2024年7月1日停止支持Microsoft Teams经典版


2024 年年初微软宣布给使用 Microsoft Teams Classic (经典版) 的客户预留更多过渡 […]

微软提醒企业和教育机构迁移到基于WebView 2的新版Microsoft Teams,因为经典版将在7月1日后停止支持。建议用户尽快升级,否则只能使用网页版。

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Expand your app’s capabilities and reach on Microsoft Teams using API-based message extensions


We’re excited to announce the general availability of API-based message extensions, offering the easiest way to integrate your app into Microsoft Teams. The post Expand your app’s capabilities and reach on Microsoft Teams using API-based message extensions appeared first on Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.


Expand your app’s capabilities and reach on Microsoft Teams using API-based message extensions
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Building custom copilots in Microsoft Teams with Teams App Test Tool and Dev Proxy


Learn how you can quickly build and test custom copilots tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. The post Building custom copilots in Microsoft Teams with Teams App Test Tool and Dev Proxy appeared first on Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.

本文介绍了使用Teams App Test Tool和Dev Proxy构建自定义AI助手的方法,节省时间和金钱。还介绍了在Microsoft Teams中构建自定义AI助手,并使用RAG模式提供上下文相关的回答。同时,使用Teams App Test Tool和Dev Proxy移除不必要的依赖,提高开发效率。

Building custom copilots in Microsoft Teams with Teams App Test Tool and Dev Proxy
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Microsoft Teams集成AV1编解码器 让用户屏幕共享时速度更快更省带宽


据 Microsoft Teams 开发团队本周发布的消息,Microsoft Teams 将集成 AV1 编 […]

Microsoft Teams将集成AV1编解码器,提供更高压缩率和性能。使用AV1编解码器进行屏幕共享时,带宽资源降低63%,在有限带宽下也能清晰呈现每个像素。AV1还能降低企业带宽占用,节省带宽、减少耗电量和续航时间。

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Microsoft Teams is getting smarter Copilot AI features


The Verge Microsoft is improving the way its AI-powered Copilot works in Microsoft Teams with new ways to invoke the assistant during meeting chats, summaries, and more. Copilot is already able to summarize Teams meetings, but in the coming months, it will combine spoken transcripts and written chats into a single view to make it easier to catch up on meetings you might have missed. Copilot in Teams is also getting improvements to composing messages in chat, allowing Teams users to rewrite a message in new ways. “Copilot can adjust your message to add a call to action, or like how a pirate would speak,” says Microsoft in a blog post. “Soon, you will also be able to generate a new message based on the context in the Teams chat.” I... Continue reading…

微软改进AI助手Copilot在Microsoft Teams中的工作方式,包括会议聊天和摘要的新方法。Copilot将合并口头转录和书面聊天为一个视图,改进消息撰写,根据上下文生成新消息。微软还推出新的混合会议功能。

Microsoft Teams is getting smarter Copilot AI features
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Microsoft Teams is finally moving to a single app for personal and work


Image: Microsoft Microsoft is finally creating a single version of Microsoft Teams that will allow you to switch between personal and work accounts easily. The new unified app is currently in testing and will let Microsoft Teams users switch between multiple tenants and personal or work account types. This new version of Teams will be rolled out to commercial users in April and will include an account switcher that’s accessible from the profile section. “We received consistent feedback from personal and work users: you prefer a single Teams app that allows you to easily access and switch between personal and work accounts,” says Microsoft in a blog post. “This update lets you use one app for all kinds of Teams accounts.” Image:... Continue reading…

微软正在创建一个单一版本的Microsoft Teams,可以轻松切换个人和工作账户。这个统一的应用程序将允许用户在多个租户和账户类型之间切换。新版本将在4月份向商业用户推出,并包括一个可从个人资料部分访问的账户切换器。未来的更新中,您还可以在加入会议链接时选择要使用的账户,甚至可以在不登录的情况下加入会议。此外,此更新的Teams应用程序还改进了通知功能,让您可以看到通知来自哪个团队。

Microsoft Teams is finally moving to a single app for personal and work
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Action required: ensure your Microsoft Teams apps are ready for upcoming domain changes


We are reducing domain fragmentation among authenticated, user-facing Microsoft 365 apps and services by bringing them onto a single, consistent and cohesive domain: cloud.microsoft. The post Action required: ensure your Microsoft Teams apps are ready for upcoming domain changes appeared first on Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.

微软将在2024年6月将Teams、Outlook和Microsoft 365的应用迁移到cloud.microsoft域名,开发者需要升级Teams JS库至2.19或更高版本,并更新x-frame-options/CSP headers以允许新域名。迁移完成后,应用在teams.microsoft.com和teams.cloud.microsoft上都能正常工作。此举将提高安全性、管理性和用户体验,并为Microsoft 365生态系统的更好整合奠定基础。

Action required: ensure your Microsoft Teams apps are ready for upcoming domain changes
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微软强推WebView版的Microsoft Teams受阻 宣布经典版延期至明年7月


这段时间对于多数普通消费者来说,微软强行推广新版 Outlook 引起很多争议,但即便如此微软也不会撤回,UW […]

微软将延长Microsoft Teams经典版的支持周期至2024年7月1日,以便用户有更多时间完成迁移。微软将收集用户反馈并改进新版Teams。

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Introducing API-based message extensions in Microsoft Teams Developer Portal


This cutting-edge functionality allows your apps to interact seamlessly, securely, and efficiently with external services via API. The post Introducing API-based message extensions in Microsoft Teams Developer Portal appeared first on Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.


Introducing API-based message extensions in Microsoft Teams Developer Portal
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