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Why Does Biological Evolution Work? A Minimal Model for Biological Evolution and Other Adaptive Processes


The Model Why does biological evolution work? And, for that matter, why does machine learning work? Both are examples of adaptive processes that surprise us with what they manage to achieve. So what’s the essence of what’s going on? I’m going to concentrate here on biological evolution, though much of what I’ll discuss is also […]


Why Does Biological Evolution Work? A Minimal Model for Biological Evolution and Other Adaptive Processes
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Nvidia’s AI chatbot now supports Google’s Gemma model, voice queries, and more


Image: Nvidia Nvidia is updating its experimental ChatRTX chatbot with more AI models for RTX GPU owners. The chatbot, which runs locally on a Windows PC, can already use Mistral or Llama 2 to query personal documents that you feed into it, but now the list of supported AI models is growing to include Google’s Gemma, ChatGLM3, and even OpenAI’s CLIP model to make it easier to search your photos. Nvidia first introduced ChatRTX as “Chat with RTX” in February as a demo app, and you’ll need an RTX 30- or 40-series GPU with 8GB of VRAM or more to be able to run it. The app essentially creates a local chatbot server that you can access from a browser and feed your local documents and even YouTube videos to get a powerful search tool complete with summaries... Continue reading…

Nvidia更新了ChatRTX聊天机器人,支持更多AI模型,包括Google的Gemma、ChatGLM3和OpenAI的CLIP模型。该应用程序允许RTX GPU所有者通过本地服务器搜索个人文档和照片数据。

Nvidia’s AI chatbot now supports Google’s Gemma model, voice queries, and more
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Apple’s new AI model hints at how AI could come to the iPhone


Illustration: The Verge Apple has been quiet about its plans for generative AI, but with the release of new AI models today, it appears the company’s immediate ambitions lie firmly in the “make AI run locally on Apple devices” realm. Researchers from Apple released OpenELM, a series of four very small language models on the Hugging Face model library, on Wednesday. Apple said on its Hugging Face model page that OpenELM, which stands for “Open-source Efficient Language Models,” performs very efficiently on text-related tasks like email writing. The models are open source and ready for developers to use. OpenELM is even smaller than most lightweight AI models It has four sizes: 270 million parameters; 450 million parameters; 1.1 billion parameters; and 3 billion... Continue reading…


Apple’s new AI model hints at how AI could come to the iPhone
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33.59 万元!特斯拉新款 Model 3 高性能版开售,马斯克曝平价新车还在路上


在汽车行业难寻出路的特斯拉,似乎只剩下了 AI 这一条路。#欢迎关注爱范儿官方微信公众号:爱范儿(微信号:ifanr),更多精彩内容第一时间为您奉上。 爱范儿 | 原文链接 · 查看评论 · 新浪微博

特斯拉发布新款Model 3高性能版,售价为33.59万元。财报显示特斯拉面临生产中断、延迟交付、财务压力和激烈市场竞争等问题,计划推出更经济实惠的车型和专用机器人出租车产品。特斯拉股价上涨,马斯克驳斥取消入门车型研发的报道。特斯拉面临销量下滑和中国市场竞争的挑战,加码AI,推出无人驾驶出租车。

33.59 万元!特斯拉新款 Model 3 高性能版开售,马斯克曝平价新车还在路上
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Tesla reveals a new Model 3 Performance with more horsepower and faster acceleration


Tesla On the cusp of what’s expected to be a very not-good earnings report, Tesla decided to shuffle its search results a bit with the reveal of the 2024 Model 3 Performance, with a specially tuned chassis and a 2.9 second 0–60 mph acceleration time. Interestingly, Tesla did not give this updated Model 3 the “Plaid” performance badge, which, so far, it has reserved for its more premium vehicles, the Model S and Model X. For the Model 3, it’s sticking to Performance. The performance trim of the company’s top-selling electric sedan will get 510 horsepower and 741 Nm of torque — a step above the 470 horsepower that was achievable in the 2019 performance trim — and can hit a top speed of 163 mph. Interestingly, Tesla is not give this updated... Continue reading…

特斯拉发布2024款Model 3 Performance,配备特别调校底盘和2.9秒的0-60英里加速时间。新车型拥有510马力和741牛米的扭矩,最高时速可达163英里。特斯拉还推出第三代Track Mode软件功能,提供更好的悬挂系统和适应性阻尼系统。外观方面,新车型的空气动力学性能得到改进。

Tesla reveals a new Model 3 Performance with more horsepower and faster acceleration
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Adobe’s new Firefly model makes it easier to use Photoshop’s AI tools


Unlike other Firefly-powered tools that generate sections of an image, Photoshop’s new Generate Image tool will fill the entire canvas. | Image: Adobe Adobe is adding some new generative AI tools to its Photoshop creative software that aim to give users additional ways to control the designs they generate. Powered by Adobe’s new Firefly Image 3 foundation model, these new tools are available today via the Photoshop beta desktop app, and will be generally available “later this year” according to Adobe’s Press release. The most notable tool is Reference Image, which uses user-uploaded images to inspire the output generated by Adobe’s AI, matching similar elements in style and color. For example, instead of repeatedly tweaking a prompt description like “a blue vintage truck with flower decals,” users can instead provide a reference image that Photoshop will use as a guide. “Prompting is a... Continue reading…


Adobe’s new Firefly model makes it easier to use Photoshop’s AI tools
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Microsoft launches Phi-3, its smallest AI model yet


Illustration: The Verge Microsoft launched the next version of its lightweight AI model Phi-3 Mini, the first of three small models the company plans to release. Phi-3 Mini measures 3.8 billion parameters and is trained on a data set that is smaller relative to large language models like GPT-4. It is now available on Azure, Hugging Face, and Ollama. Microsoft plans to release Phi-3 Small (7B parameters) and Phi-3 Medium (14B parameters). Parameters refer to how many complex instructions a model can understand. The company released Phi-2 in December, which performed just as well as bigger models like Llama 2. Microsoft says Phi-3 performs better than the previous version and can provide responses close to how a model 10 times bigger than it can. Eric Boyd,... Continue reading…

微软发布了轻量级AI模型Phi-3 Mini的下一个版本,该模型是公司计划发布的三个小型模型之一。Phi-3 Mini拥有38亿个参数,并且相对于GPT-4等大型语言模型,它的数据集较小。该模型现在可在Azure、Hugging Face和Ollama上使用。微软计划发布Phi-3 Small(70亿参数)和Phi-3 Medium(140亿参数)。小型模型通常在运行成本上更便宜,并且在个人设备上的性能更好。与其他竞争对手的小型AI模型相比,Phi-3在编码和推理方面表现更好。然而,Phi-3系列模型的广度不及GPT-4或其他大型语言模型。

Microsoft launches Phi-3, its smallest AI model yet
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Accelerated DBRX Inference on Mosaic AI Model Serving


Introduction In this blog post we dive into inference with DBRX, the open state-of-the-art large language model (LLM) created by Databricks (see Introducing...


Accelerated DBRX Inference on Mosaic AI Model Serving
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Value creation through business model innovation in US healthcare


Innovative business models in US healthcare are creating substantial value, but much opportunity remains, even among the fastest-growing organizations.


Value creation through business model innovation in US healthcare
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基于基础模型构建最佳的医学图像分割算法:使用 Segment Anything Model 的综合实证研究


对于自动分割医学图像的研究,本文总结了目前的微调策略,并在包括所有常见放射学模态的 17 个数据集上进行评估,研究发现微调 Segment Anything Model (SAM) 相较于以前的分割方法具有稍微更好的性能,使用参数效率高的学习在编码器和解码器中进行微调的策略优于其他策略,网络架构对最终性能影响不大,通过自监督学习进一步训练 SAM 可以提高最终模型性能。

生物医学影像分析领域的进展主要受到Segment Anything Model (SAM)的推动。SAM在医学图像处理领域得到了广泛应用,但仍存在不足。该综述研究了SAM在解决临床挑战方面的改进和整合,并关注了33个开放数据集。调查深入研究了SAM的创新技术和在医学影像场景中的应用。

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