



How to Build Applications With Asyncpg and PostgreSQL


Learn how to create a financial data application using asyncpg and PostgreSQL.


How to Build Applications With Asyncpg and PostgreSQL
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PostgreSQL 安全漏洞 CVE-2024-4317


之前没有特别注意这个漏洞,这里稍微记一笔。 PostgreSQL 包含一系列系统视图,这些系统视图可以用来查询系统表。 由于 pg_stats_ext 和 pg_stats_ext_exprs 这两个视图在 PostgreSQL 14-16 的 16.3、15.7 和 14.12 之前的版本中缺少了必要的访问控制, 因此未经授权的用户将可以通过这些视图访问其他用户通过 CREATE...

PostgreSQL 14-16 versions have a vulnerability where unauthorized users can access statistics data created by other users. This issue has been fixed in versions 16.3, 15.7, and 14.12. Administrators of existing databases must rebuild system views to tighten access permissions. The fix script is available in the source code. This vulnerability is significant if fine-grained access control is implemented. Administrators should be concerned about more serious issues if the application does not implement proper role-based user access to the database.

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How I use PostgreSQL's timestamptz fields in my Mojo apps


I created a function in Perl called pg_dt, that will convert PostgreSQL’s datetime values into Perl’s DateTime values and vice versa. This is useful both when you want to store DateTime values...


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Hans-Juergen Schoenig: Speeding up index creation in PostgreSQL


Indexes are, by far, the most feature related to performance provided by every general purpose relational database. Without indexes, there are no such things as efficient search operations, no...


Hans-Juergen Schoenig: Speeding up index creation in PostgreSQL
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Andrew Atkinson: Wait a minute! — PostgreSQL extension pg_wait_sampling


PostgreSQL uses a complex system of locks to balance concurrent operations and data consistency, across many transactions. Those intricacies are beyond the scope of this post. Here we want to...


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SpringBoot中 SSL 连接 PostgreSQL 数据库


在本文中,我们通过 SSL 配置并安全地与 PostgreSQL 服务器建立了数据库连接。在数据库管理领域,确保应用程序和数据库之间的安全通信非常重要。在本教程中,我们将介绍如何从 JDBC 和 Spring Boot 通过 SSL 连接到 PostgreSQL。PostgreSQL 配置我们需要更新 PostgreSQL 服务器以允许通过 SSL...

本文介绍了如何在Spring Boot中使用SSL连接PostgreSQL数据库。首先需要更新PostgreSQL服务器的配置文件,然后在Maven中添加PostgreSQL JDBC驱动程序依赖项。接下来,通过定义属性来连接到PostgreSQL服务器,并使用checkConnectionSsl方法进行连接测试。文章还介绍了如何使用密钥库和信任库建立连接,并展示了如何在Spring Boot应用程序中使用SSL连接。

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semab tariq: A Follow up on Key PostgreSQL Configuration Parameters for Enhanced Performance – Part 2


In a previous blog post, we configured an EC2 instance and installed PostgreSQL on it. After the initial setup, we ran pgbench to measure the initial TPS (transactions per second). Then, we tuned...


semab tariq: A Follow up on Key PostgreSQL Configuration Parameters for Enhanced Performance – Part 2
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Andrew Atkinson: You make a good point! — PostgreSQL Savepoints


This post will look at the basics of PostgreSQL Savepoints within a Transaction. A transaction is used to form a non-separable unit of work to commit or not, as a unit. Transactions are opened...


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Stefanie Janine: sparql_fdw tested against PostgreSQL 15 und 16


sparql_fdw sparql_fdw is a foreign data wrapper to access data available over the internet in the SPARQL format from within PostgreSQL based on Multicorn2. The soucre code and...


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