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QCon London: Netflix Saves Time and Money with Server-Driven Notifications


At QCon London 2024, Christopher Luu explained how Netflix uses server-driven UIs for rich notifications. This saves developer time through reuse across platforms and better testing but adds...

Netflix使用服务器驱动的用户界面(UI)来发送通知,节省开发人员的时间并提供更好的测试。通知使用嵌入在JavaScript中的Customer Lifecycle Component System(CLCS)组件创建。服务器驱动的通知允许在不更新应用程序的情况下进行UI更新,跨平台共享逻辑,并进行有效的A/B测试。然而,这需要一些前期成本和向后兼容性。Netflix将通知称为UMA,并在各种平台上运行。CLCS组件用于创建通知的用户界面。Netflix使用GraphQL来支持旧的应用程序版本和离线设备。自动化测试使用基于演示的测试、后端模板快照测试和端到端测试进行。

QCon London: Netflix Saves Time and Money with Server-Driven Notifications
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How to Deploy the Nextcloud Cloud Server on AlmaLinux


Cloud services are all over the place. For most people, the usual options (such as , iCloud, etc.) are fine. The post How to Deploy the Nextcloud Cloud Server on AlmaLinux appeared first on The New Stack.


How to Deploy the Nextcloud Cloud Server on AlmaLinux
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Astro Launches New Server Islands and Partners With Netlify


Astro had a big week, announcing its 4.12 release along with a new partnership with Netlify, which now sponsors Astro The post Astro Launches New Server Islands and Partners With Netlify appeared...

Astro发布4.12版本,与Netlify合作。首次实验性发布Server Islands,将高性能静态HTML和动态服务器生成组件集成。Server Islands可结合静态、动态和个性化内容。文章还介绍了Server Islands与预渲染的比较。Google开源VR创作应用Google Blocks,Slint 1.7发布新小部件和多窗口支持,Vercel Functions新增实用工具,WP Engine收购速度优化SaaS解决方案NitroPack。

Astro Launches New Server Islands and Partners With Netlify
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How to Use Server-Side Rendering in Next.js Apps for Better SEO


Server-side rendering (SSR) is a web development technique that can help improve your site's SEO. It does this by generating HTML content on the server in response to a user's request. This...


How to Use Server-Side Rendering in Next.js Apps for Better SEO
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Using Compact in Percona Server for MongoDB From Version 4.4+


In the previously posted blog, Compaction in Percona Server for MongoDB (PSMDB), we discussed how compact works before version 4.4. In this blog, we will see how compact works on PSMDB 6.0. I...

本文介绍了在Percona Server for MongoDB (PSMDB) 6.0上如何进行压缩操作。在删除集合中的大量数据后,需要将删除的空间返回给操作系统以供其他数据库或集合使用。在运行压缩命令之前,需要进行一些准备工作,并在次要节点上运行压缩命令。压缩命令可以在副本集和分片集群中的每个节点上运行。压缩命令不能在mongos上运行。压缩操作可以释放磁盘空间,并且在次要节点上运行时可以进行数据复制和读取操作。压缩命令运行期间,可以通过Mongo日志或运行db.currentOp()命令来查看进度。压缩完成后,可以使用相同的命令检查释放的空间。

Using Compact in Percona Server for MongoDB From Version 4.4+
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WebStorm 2024.2 EAP Digest #3: Bun Debugger, Language Server Updates for Vue and Astro, and Prettier Integration by Default


It’s time for our last EAP digest of this release that will walk you through the new features and improvements in WebStorm 2024.2! For more information, check out our previous blog posts.The...

WebStorm 2024.2 introduces new features and improvements, including Bun debugging support, improved file-system based routing support for major frameworks, Astro Language Server enabled by default, Prettier integration enabled by default, new project template with onboarding tips, extract Vue component AI action, language-specific settings for sticky lines, Tailwind preview in completion options, and Vue Language Tools 2.0 support. Other highlights include highlighting for template literals, support for additional file extensions, autocompletion for CSS classes in React.js, and improved Node.js interpreter detection.

WebStorm 2024.2 EAP Digest #3: Bun Debugger, Language Server Updates for Vue and Astro, and Prettier Integration by Default
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Percona Server for MySQL and Percona XtraBackup Now Available for ARM64


We’re excited to announce that both Percona Server for MySQL and Percona XtraBackup now support the ARM64 architecture on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8/9 and Oracle Linux (OL) 8/9. The...

Percona Server for MySQL和Percona XtraBackup现在在Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8/9和Oracle Linux (OL) 8/9上支持ARM64架构。这个扩展允许基于ARM的系统用户从强大的备份解决方案和针对其硬件要求定制的高性能MySQL数据库中受益。要开始使用,请从Percona软件下载中心下载aarch64软件包,并按照安装说明进行安装。这是提供灵活、高性能数据库解决方案的重要里程碑。

Percona Server for MySQL and Percona XtraBackup Now Available for ARM64
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Linux: Understand sudo to Rule Your Server


You’ve probably seen the XKCD cartoon wherein one person asks another to make them a sandwich. When the second person The post Linux: Understand sudo to Rule Your Server appeared first on The New Stack.


Linux: Understand sudo to Rule Your Server
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Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds


We are thrilled to announce Cloudflare Zaraz support for server-side rendering of embeds from X and Instagram. This allows for secure, privacy-preserving, and performant embedding without...

Cloudflare Zaraz现在支持X和Instagram的服务器端渲染嵌入,消除了对第三方JavaScript和cookies的需求,提高了隐私和性能。该方法通过在服务器端获取和缓存内容,实现浏览器和第三方服务器之间的直接通信。通过与传统嵌入代码的比较,展示了性能优势。X和Instagram的托管组件是开源的,可在GitHub上获取。Cloudflare Zaraz计划扩展对其他媒体类型的支持,并邀请对该项目进行合作。

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从CVE-2024-6387 OpenSSH Server 漏洞谈谈企业安全运营与应急响应




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