



Spring Data 2024.1.1 和 2024.0.7 版本发布


On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I’m pleased to announce the availability of 2024.1.1 and 2024.0.7 service releases. These releases ship with dependency upgrades, fixes for...

Spring Data 2024.1.1和2024.0.7版本发布,包含依赖升级、回归修复和改进。下周将发布Spring Boot更新,计划在1月推出Spring Data 4.0的首个里程碑版本,支持JPA 3.2。感谢大家的贡献,祝节日快乐!

Spring Data 2024.1.1 和 2024.0.7 版本发布
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Spring 应用合并之路(二):峰回路转,柳暗花明


作者:京东科技 李君书接上文,前面在介绍了几种不成功的经验,下面继续折腾…


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Spring Framework 6.1.16和6.2.1现已发布


On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Framework 6.1.16 and 6.2.1 are available now. Spring Framework 6.1.16 ships with 6 fixes and...

Spring Framework 6.1.16和6.2.1已发布。6.1.16包含6个修复和文档改进,将与Spring Boot 3.3.7一起发布;6.2.1包含49个修复和文档改进,将与Spring Boot 3.4.1一起发布。

Spring Framework 6.1.16和6.2.1现已发布
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宣布Spring AI MCP:用于模型上下文协议的Java SDK


We're excited to introduce Spring AI MCP, a robust Java SDK implementation of the Model Context Protocol (MCP). This new addition to the Spring AI ecosystem brings standardized AI model...

Spring AI MCP是一个Java SDK,实现了模型上下文协议(MCP),标准化大型语言模型(LLM)的集成,支持与数据源和工具的无缝连接,适用于多种用例。开发者可通过GitHub获取SDK,便于构建AI应用。

宣布Spring AI MCP:用于模型上下文协议的Java SDK
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通过Converse API介绍Spring AI与Amazon Bedrock Nova的集成


The Amazon Bedrock Nova models represent a new generation of foundation models supporting a broad range of use cases, from text and image understanding to video-to-text analysis. With the Spring...

Spring AI与Amazon Bedrock Nova模型通过Converse API集成,支持多模态应用,包括文本、图像和视频。Nova模型分为Pro、Lite和Micro版本,满足不同需求。该集成简化了开发流程,提供文本补全、图像和视频分析等功能,并支持外部工具调用,助力构建先进的对话应用。

通过Converse API介绍Spring AI与Amazon Bedrock Nova的集成
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Last month, the team delivered a release train that includes Spring Framework 6.2 (the final minor version for the Spring Framework 6.x line), Spring Boot 3.4, and a round of minor version updates...

上个月,Spring团队发布了Spring Framework 6.2和Spring Boot 3.4,新增结构化日志、动态属性和一次性令牌登录等功能。Spring Framework 5.x和6.0已进入企业支持期,未来更新将通过Broadcom支持门户提供。同时,Spring Boot 2.7也进入企业支持,确保持续更新。团队致力于提供可持续的开源软件和领先能力。

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美丽的播客:Spring Security负责人Rob Winch谈Spring Security 6.4的精彩发布


Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, we'll talk to the amazing Rob Winch, lead of Spring Security 6.4, about the jam-packed new release! #spring #springboot #security #java

本期播客邀请了Spring Security 6.4的负责人Rob Winch,讨论了新版本的众多功能。

美丽的播客:Spring Security负责人Rob Winch谈Spring Security 6.4的精彩发布
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音频多模态:与Spring AI和OpenAI扩展AI交互


This blog post is co-authored by our great contributor Thomas Vitale. OpenAI provides specialized models for speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion, recognized for their performance and...

这篇文章介绍了Spring AI与OpenAI的音频多模态集成,支持语音转文本和文本转语音。新功能增强了用户交互,开发者可以从音频和图像中提取结构化数据,构建复杂对象。通过Spring AI的API,开发者能够轻松创建音频聊天机器人,提升用户体验。

音频多模态:与Spring AI和OpenAI扩展AI交互
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Spring Tools 4.27.0 发布


Dear Spring Community, I am happy to announce the 4.27.0 release of the Spring Tools 4 for Visual Studio Code, Eclipse and Theia. important highlights (Spring Boot) Support for...

Spring Tools 4.27.0发布,新增对@ConditionalOnProperty和@Value注解的引用查找,更新至Eclipse 2024-12版本。4.28.0预计于2025年1月发布。

Spring Tools 4.27.0 发布
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Since its inception, Spring Data Repositories have been designed for extension, whether you want to customize a single query method or provide a completely new base implementation. The 2024.1...

Spring Data Repositories 2024.1版本通过创建通用的AtlasRepository接口,简化了扩展功能,支持在不同项目中重用自定义向量搜索功能。实现中使用MongoOperations和RepositoryMethodContext,动态获取集合名,提升了代码灵活性和可重用性。

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