


本列表汇集了关于 Spring 框架的最新动态、工具更新及安全性提升的文章,帮助开发者深入了解 Spring 生态系统的最新进展与应用。

使用JMeter和Kotlin比较WebFlux与Spring MVC


1. Introduction Many times, we need to back up certain claims we make in software development. More often than not, we need to show it very clearly to stakeholders, businesses, and management,...

本文比较了传统的Spring MVC与反应式WebFlux架构,强调反应式编程的优势,如更高的请求处理能力和非阻塞特性。基准测试显示,WebFlux在高负载下的响应性和处理能力更佳,适合快速响应的应用场景。

使用JMeter和Kotlin比较WebFlux与Spring MVC
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CQRS — 命令查询责任分离 — Java、Spring、SpringBoot 和 Axon 示例


Introduction The first time this term appeared in Software Engineering lexicons was all the way back in 1997. It appeared in the book “Object-Oriented Software Construction” by Bertrand Meyer. At...

CQRS(命令查询责任分离)是一种软件架构,旨在解决面向对象架构中的问题。它将写操作与读操作分开,以确保数据的一致性和安全性。CQRS 与领域驱动设计(DDD)相关,强调应用程序的边界上下文,并通过事件源和不同数据库提高系统的性能和可维护性。

CQRS — 命令查询责任分离 — Java、Spring、SpringBoot 和 Axon 示例
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There was a flurry of activity in the Spring ecosystem during the week of December 16th, 2024, highlighting point releases of: Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Authorization Server, Spring...

2024年12月16日,Spring生态系统发布了多个版本,包括Spring Boot和Spring Security,修复了多个bug并进行了依赖升级。Spring Boot 3.4.1和3.3.7改进了文档,解决了重要问题;Spring Security 6.4.2和6.3.6引入了新特性。其他组件如Spring Batch和Spring AMQP也进行了更新,提供了文档改进和新功能。

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🚀 新文章提醒!深入了解《Servlet:Java Web 技术的基础》,探索 Java Web 开发的支柱。从处理 HTTP 请求到支持 Spring MVC 等框架,Servlet 是一切的起点。


Servlet: The Foundation of Java Web Technology Ahmed Jaad ・ Dec 22 #java #spring #springboot #web


🚀 新文章提醒!深入了解《Servlet:Java Web 技术的基础》,探索 Java Web 开发的支柱。从处理 HTTP 请求到支持 Spring MVC 等框架,Servlet 是一切的起点。
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Spring REST框架中的验证


Validation is a critical aspect of API development to ensure data integrity and early invalid requests detection. In this post, we’ll learn how to implement field-level validation and custom...

API开发中的验证至关重要,确保数据完整性并及时检测无效请求。Spring REST Framework提供@FieldValidation注解,支持字段级验证,如长度和数值范围。通过DTO对象在反序列化时自动应用验证,若请求无效,将返回详细错误信息。对于复杂场景,可重写validate方法以结合自定义逻辑。

Spring REST框架中的验证
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Spring Modulith 1.3.1、1.2.7 和 1.1.12 发布


On behalf of the community, I am delighted to announce the releases of Spring Modulith 1.3.1, 1.2.7, and 1.1.12. The releases primarily ship dependency updates and bug fixes, but 1.3.1 also...

Spring Modulith 1.3.1、1.2.7 和 1.1.12 发布,主要更新了依赖和修复了漏洞。1.3.1 还改进了参考文档和文档生成支持。详细信息请查看各版本更新日志。

Spring Modulith 1.3.1、1.2.7 和 1.1.12 发布
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Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.1.7和1.2.1现已发布


On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I’m happy to announce that Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.1.7 and 1.2.1 have been released and are now available from Maven Central. The...

Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.1.7和1.2.1已发布,可从Maven Central获取。这些版本将包含在即将发布的Spring Boot 3.3.7和3.4.1中,并进行了多个依赖项升级。

Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.1.7和1.2.1现已发布
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Spring Batch 5.1.3和5.2.1现已发布


On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Batch 5.1.3 and 5.2.1 are available now from Maven Central! These patch releases come with a number of...

Spring Batch 5.1.3和5.2.1已在Maven Central发布,包含多个错误修复和改进。5.1.3是5.1.x系列的最后一个OSS版本,欢迎在Github等平台反馈。

Spring Batch 5.1.3和5.2.1现已发布
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Spring Shell 3.3.4 现已发布


Spring Shell 3.3.4 is now available On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Spring Shell 3.4.0 has been released and are now available from Maven...

Spring Shell 3.4.0已发布,可从Maven Central获取。感谢所有贡献者的支持,详细信息请查看发布说明。

Spring Shell 3.3.4 现已发布
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Spring for Apache Kafka 3.3.1和3.2.6版本现已发布


We are pleased to announce the availability of point releases for of Spring for Apache Kafka versions 3.3.1 and 3.2.6 . We thank everyone who contributed to these releases. Release Notes See the...

Spring for Apache Kafka 3.3.1和3.2.6版本已发布,感谢贡献者。3.3.1版本与Kafka Client 3.9.0兼容,但需手动升级,未来将与新版本Spring Boot集成。

Spring for Apache Kafka 3.3.1和3.2.6版本现已发布
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