


SQL技术综述与优化实践是一篇综合了SQL/JSON、SSMS、C#、EF Core等技术的文章,讲解了SQL注入原理与防范、SQL优化、批量插入等内容。适合对SQL技术感兴趣的读者阅读。


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WP Automatic WordPress 插件遭遇数百万次 SQL 注入攻击

为降低被入侵的风险,研究人员建议 WordPress 网站管理员将 WP Automatic 插件更新到 3.92.1 或更高版本。

黑客利用WordPress插件WP Automatic的漏洞进行攻击,创建具有管理权限的用户账户并植入后门。漏洞被认定为严重,已观察到超过550万次攻击尝试。研究人员建议更新插件、审查用户账户、使用安全监控工具和备份数据以降低被入侵风险。

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ByteByteGo Newsletter

ByteByteGo Newsletter -

What Happens When a SQL is Executed?

Have you ever wondered how a simple SQL command unlocks database power? SQL, or Structured Query Language, is the backbone of modern data management. It allows efficient retrieval, manipulation, and management of information in relational databases.


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华为云官方博客 -

GaussDB SQL查询语句执行过程解析

今天我们就从GaussDB SQL引擎入手,了解一下GaussDB SQL 查询语句的执行过程,包括GaussDB SQL引擎原理和关键技术点。

本文介绍了华为云GaussDB SQL查询语句的执行过程,包括集中式和分布式部署形态、关键角色、SQL引擎和存储引擎的功能,以及SQL解析、规则优化和查询优化的过程。同时介绍了分布式查询优化的技术和GaussDB的执行器和全并行执行架构。

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Planet PostgreSQL

Planet PostgreSQL -

Ashutosh Bapat: DBaaG with SQL/PGQ

For those who have studied ERD-lore, it's not new that a relational database is very much like a graph. But it has taken SQL, more than 30 years since it became a standard and almost half a century since its inception to incorporate construct that will allow a DataBase to be treated as a Graph, DBaaG. This is surprising given that SQL was developed as language for relational databases which are modeled using ER diagrams. Better late than never. SQL/PGQ has arrived as 16th part of SQL:2023. Entity Relationship Diagram, ERD in short, is a tool to model and visualize a database as entity types (which classify the things of interest) and relationships that can exist between them. Entity types and the relationships both map to relations in a Relational DataBase Management System (RDBMS in short). The rows in the relations represent entities (instances of entity types) and relationship between entities respectively. Fig. 1 below shows an ERD for a hypothetical shop. This diagram very much looks like a graph with entity types represented as nodes and relationships represented by edges. That's exactly what SQL/PGQ is about. It adds language constructs to SQL to present underlying database as a "Property Graph". For example, property graph definition corresponding to the above ERD would look like CREATE PROPERTY GRAPH shop VERTEX TABLES (     CreditCard label Payment,     BankAccount label Payment,     Person label Customer,     Company label Customer,     Trust label Customer,     Wishlist label ProdLink,     Order label ProdLink,     Product) EDGE TABLES (     CCOwns label Owns     BAHolds lable Owns,     CustOrders label CustLink,     CustWishlist label CustLink,     CompanyOrders label CustLink,     CompanyWishlist label CustLink,     TrustOrders label CustLink,     TrustWishlist label CustLink,     OrderCCPayment label OrderPayment,     OrderBAPayment label OrderPayment,     OrderItems label ItemLink,     Wishl[...]

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BriefGPT - AI 论文速递

BriefGPT - AI 论文速递 -

Dubo-SQL: 多元检索增强生成与微调的文本到 SQL

通过低成本微调、多样的检索增强生成方法、新的输入和输出格式等手段,本文介绍了 Dubo-SQL v1 和 v2 这两种新方法,它们在 BIRD-SQL 基准测试中取得了较高的执行准确率。Dubo-SQL v1 使用了低成本的 GPT-3.5 Turbo 并在超过其他使用 GPT-4 的模型的性能的同时,也超过了其他使用 GPT-3.5 的模型的性能超过了 20%。Dubo-SQL v2 使用 GPT-4 Turbo 和检索增强生成技术,使执行准确率更高。

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Planet PostgreSQL

Planet PostgreSQL -

Hubert 'depesz' Lubaczewski: Waiting for …: SQL/JSON is coming back. Hopefully.

This is not the usual Waiting for post, but something should be said. Back in March/April of 2022 Andres Dunstan committed a series of patches that added support for lots of really interesting features from SQL/JSON standard. While I'm not avid user of json in database, I was very, very happy. Wrote couple of blogposts … Continue reading "Waiting for …: SQL/JSON is coming back. Hopefully."

Andres Dunstan提交了一系列补丁,为SQL/JSON标准添加了许多有趣的功能。虽然最初被撤销,但最近重新出现。作者不打算写关于这些功能的Waiting for系列,但承诺在PostgreSQL版本发布后重新发布相关博文。感谢所有参与其中的人。

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Devart Blog

Devart Blog -

SSMS 20 + dbForge SQL Tools = Your Winning Combination!

Just in case you've missed it, Microsoft recently rolled out the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (a.k.a. SSMS), 20.x, as a General Availability release. Traditionally, you can install and run it alongside the earlier versions of SSMS. The post SSMS 20 + dbForge SQL Tools = Your Winning Combination! appeared first on Devart Blog.

微软发布了最新版本的SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)20.x,可以与早期版本一起安装和运行。如果需要增强SSMS的功能,可以使用dbForge SQL Tools,这是一套包含15个插件和独立应用程序的工具包,适用于数据库架构师、开发人员、DBA、软件工程师、数据分析师等。工具包中的大部分工具可以免费试用,其他工具完全免费。工具包包括SQL Complete、Source Control、Unit Test、Schema Compare、Data Compare、Data Generator、Documenter、Data Pump、Index Manager、Query Builder、Search、Monitor、Event Profiler、SQL Decryptor和DevOps Automation。

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京东科技开发者 -




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dotNET跨平台 -

使用C#和EF Core实现高效的SQL批量插入

在软件开发中,批量插入数据是一个常见的需求,特别是在数据迁移、初始化数据库或进行大量数据处理时。Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 是一个流行的.NET对象关系映射器(ORM),它简化了数据库操作,但在进行大量数据的插入操作时,逐条插入可能会导致性能问题。在本文中,我们将探讨如何使用C#和EF Core实现高效的SQL批量插入。为什么需要批量插入?当你有成百上千甚至更多...

在软件开发中,批量插入数据是常见需求。Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 是.NET对象关系映射器,简化数据库操作。但逐条插入可能导致性能问题。可以使用AddRange方法一次性添加多个实体,或使用第三方库提供的批量插入方法。也可以使用原生SQL执行批量插入,但需注意处理并发问题和数据完整性约束。批量插入是处理大量数据时提高性能的关键技术之一。

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