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David Heinemeier Hansson

David Heinemeier Hansson -

I could have been happy with Windows

After more than twenty years on the mac, it was always going to be difficult for me to leave Apple. I've simply not been in the market for another computing platform in decades. Sure, I've dabbled a bit here and there, but never with true commitment. It wasn't until Cupertino broke my camel's back this year that I suddenly had the motivation needed to uproot everything. And when I did, I learned that Windows has turned into a wonderful web developer's platform thanks to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).I'm not going to lie and say I loved everything about Windows. But after the question of font rendering was settled, and I came to terms with giving up TextMate, it felt perfectly adequate. Better than adequate, actually. It felt nice. Nice knowing that there was a real, realistic, and compelling alternative to the mac, and that most of my aversion to Windows was based on outdated facts or misconceptions.So I made the commitment. Only to fall in love with a quirky piece of hardware from a small company called Framework shortly thereafter. That in turn lead to taking another look at running Linux outright, as the AMD chip inside the Framework simply punched harder with the penguin in charge.This coincided with a month-long trip away from home where all I brought was the Framework 13 running Ubuntu. And that taught me two things: Most of the jokes about Linux are true! There are more rabbit holes, more gotchas, and less polish. But I also learned, and this was the real surprise, that I scarcely minded at all! That in fact running Linux, and running into many of the little issues that often entails, was a surprisingly delightful and educational experience.As an example, I've been trying for a while to get my desktop PC, which has an Nvidia 4090 GPU, to work with my Apple XDR 6K monitor, which only accepts Thunderbolt 3. This involved sourcing an exotic Huawei DisplayPort + 2 USB-A => USB C cable. Then learning everything about monitor EDIDs, xorg.conf, kernel parameters, Nvidia driver versions, and about a million other topics that are very close to the metal and very far from the Apple experience (and I still haven't cracked the nut!).But rather than being frustrated with things not just working out of the box, I embraced the adventure. There's a certain nostalgia here, I'm sure. I grew up with computers that needed far more tender, love, and care to work well. Where IRQ conflicts had to be resolved before the SoundBlaster card would work for Wing Commander. Computers required some assembly, and as IKEA knows, it made us love them more. So here I am. I still have Windows available as a dual-boot option on the desktop, but the Framework 13 has been running Ubuntu exclusively the whole time, it's my daily driver at the moment, and now that I've acclimated, Linux just feels right. I love the Tactile windows manager for Gnome. I've figured out how to easily fill out my PDFs using Xournal++. Typora is giving me that iA Writer-like distraction-free typing experience I've come to love. And, for now, I've come to terms with VSCode. (See my current setup script).Would I recommend this expedition to everyone? No. I think if the idea of having to occasionally tinker with kernel parameters or display drivers give you nightmares, you probably shouldn't run Linux on your primary computer. But I'd also say that it's hard to know whether you'll find some zen of motorcycle maintenance in knowing how to tighten the timing chain of Ubuntu before you try. Especially if you've been cocooned inside the Apple bubble forever.For a lot of people, Windows is probably the better alternative to the mac. And that's great! We ought to have AT LEAST three good options for personal computing in the modern age, and now I've come to realize that we do.I'm just happy this exodus happened. I learned something new about myself. I tried a million combinations. And I discovered a real affinity for Framework and Ubuntu. I'd invite you to give it a go, if you're in the mood for a trek. Do it not because it is easy, but because it is hard. See what kind of computing stuff you're made of. Oh, and have fun!

作者使用苹果电脑超过20年后,转向Windows和Linux。他发现Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)使Windows成为了一个出色的网络开发平台。尽管对Windows不完全满意,但解决了字体渲染问题后,觉得Windows已足够好。作者发现了Framework的有趣硬件,并开始尝试运行Linux。虽然Linux有问题,但运行Linux是令人愉快和有教育意义的经历。现主要使用Framework 13和Ubuntu,并对Linux产生了喜爱之情。建议有兴趣的人尝试Linux,但如果对内核参数或显示驱动的调整感到困扰,可能不适合将Linux安装在主要电脑上。

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京东科技开发者 -




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HotSwap! – 给硬盘加个软件开关,随时「拔掉机箱里的硬盘」[Windows]

HotSwap! 是一款 Windows 工具,它能给硬盘加个软件开关,像移除移动硬盘一样,随时「拔掉机箱里的硬盘」,之后又可以快速恢复。@Appinn 来自问题求助频道的问题:有人用过硬盘开关吗?,


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程序师 -

【外评】为什么 Windows 真的使用反斜杠作为路径分隔符?

也许只有微软的老前辈们才能回答这些问题,但有一点要特别注意,那就是人的记忆在 40 年后往往就不那么可靠了。不过,有历史证据表明微软使用了 TOPS-10,有非常有力的间接证据表明 DOS 的几个方面受到了 TOPS-10 的影响

为什么Windows使用反斜杠作为路径分隔符?原因是DOS和OS/2使用反斜杠。微软希望使用正斜杠,但IBM拒绝了,因为与DOS 1.x不兼容。因此,Windows使用反斜杠作为路径分隔符的原因可以追溯到TOPS-10。

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爱范儿 -

Meta 开放 MR 操作系统,会成为头显界的 Windows 吗?

MR 生态构建新道路#欢迎关注爱范儿官方微信公众号:爱范儿(微信号:ifanr),更多精彩内容第一时间为您奉上。 爱范儿 | 原文链接 · 查看评论 · 新浪微博

Meta将向第三方硬件制造商开放Horizon OS头显系统,共建MR生态。Horizon OS是VR和AR的开发和操作平台,支持眼部、手势、脸部动作识别等功能。联想、华硕和Xbox已宣布与Horizon OS合作。Meta计划推出App Lab分发方式和新的空间应用框架。Horizon OS以社交为核心,可在虚拟空间中移动身份、头像和社交网络。Meta预计Horizon设备可在多个领域发挥作用。Meta的开放策略与苹果的封闭模式相反。

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Word Bookmark Plus – 为 Word 额外建立书签,在文档内快速跳转[Windows]

Word Bookmark Plus 是一款简单的 Word 辅助小工具,它能随时为文本建立书签,并通过边栏菜单在这些书签间快速跳转。可以很好的补充原生功能导航窗格。@Appinn 来自发现频道,开发

Word Bookmark Plus是一款Word辅助工具,可以为文本建立书签并快速跳转。适用于大文档编辑,支持365。开发者还在开发Excel书签功能。

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The Verge

The Verge -

Qualcomm strong-arms its way into Windows laptops this summer

Image: Joanna Nelius / The Verge On Wednesday, Qualcomm announced the impending arrival of its Snapdragon X Plus laptop processor alongside more information for its previously announced Snapdragon X Elite chips. While this is not the first time we’ve seen Qualcomm processors in a laptop, it’s the first time the company could have a chip that rivals Apple, Intel, and AMD on speed. The Snapdragon X Plus is Qualcomm’s entry-level laptop chip. It has 10 cores, 42MB of cache, a maximum multithreaded frequency of 3.4GHz, and an NPU with 45 tera operations per second (TOPS, or how many mathematical calculations it can solve in a second) to assist with fancy-smancy generative AI applications. But keep in mind, TOPS is an arbitrary measurement that can sound more impressive than... Continue reading…

高通宣布推出Snapdragon X Plus笔记本处理器,具有10个核心和45 TOPS NPU用于人工智能应用。它还支持LPDDR5x内存,并配备了3.8 TFLOP集成的Adreno GPU。高通还发布了三款十二核心的Snapdragon X Elite处理器,最高可达4.6 TFLOP的iGPU。这些处理器没有像苹果芯片和英特尔芯片那样的混合架构,但高通声称它们在性能、功耗效率和电池寿命方面仍然超越它们。在实际演示中,Snapdragon X Plus和Elite与英特尔和AMD芯片相比表现出竞争力。Snapdragon X系列芯片在双屏和可折叠笔记本等创新形态上具有潜力。

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The Verge

The Verge -

Microsoft makes it easier to install Windows store apps from the web

Photo by Becca Farsace / The Verge Microsoft is starting to improve the experience of downloading Windows store apps from the web. The software giant has built what it calls an “undocked version of the [Microsoft] Store” that works like a typical executable to install apps from the Microsoft Store. It should cut down on the complexity involved in finding Windows store apps on the web and installing them. Instead of launching the Microsoft Store and a mini window, now when you download apps from the web version of the Microsoft Store it will download a standalone installer instead. This means you don’t have to click install on the web, then allow Chrome or Edge to open the Microsoft Store, and finally hit install to actually install the app. A lightweight installer will be... Continue reading…


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obaby@mars -

m3u8 downloader [24.04.19][Windows]

更新记录: 支持独狼说的【那个网站】的下载 参数说明: C:\Users\obaby>E:\Pycharm_Projects\m3u8_downloader\dist\m3u8_downloader\m3u8_downloader.exe **************************************************************************************************** _ _ ____ ___ | |__ __ _| |__ _ _ / __ \ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ / _ \| '_ \ / _` | '_ \| | | |/ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '__/ __| | (_) | |_) | (_| | |_) | |_| | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | \__ \ \___/|_.__/ \__,_|_.__/ \__, |\ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |___/ |___/ \____/ m3u8 downloader by obaby Verson: 24.04.19 m3u8_downloader -i -o -p -f -m Need Arguments: -i Option Arguments: -o -p -f -m ffmpeg:E:\Pycharm_Projects\m3u8_downloader\dist\m3u8_downloader\bin/ffmpeg.exe Blog: http://oba.by http://www.h4ck.org.cn Source Code: http://h4ck.org.cn/2020/01/基于ffmpeg的m3u8下载/ **************************************************************************************************** 实现方法,网页代码: 实现方法: def get_bl05_m3u8_link(url): print('_' * 70) print('[A] 解析播放地址......') html_doc = get_url_source_code(url) bs = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, "html.parser") pattern = re.compile(r"var cms_player = {(.*?);$", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) player_divs = bs.findAll('div', class_='dplayer') m3u8_list= [] for p in player_divs: data_config = p.get('data-config') json_data = json.loads(data_config) m3u8_link = json_data['url'] title = bs.title.string print('[A] 标题:' + title) print('[A] 播放地址:' + m3u8_link) m3u8_list.append({'title':title, 'link':m3u8_link}) print('_' * 70) return m3u8_list 工具下载地址: [reply] https://www.123pan.com/s/ucY7Vv-fCTAA.html提取码:Ah6h [/reply]


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DevToys项目简介:DevToys是一个专门为开发者设计的Windows工具箱,完全支持离线运行,无需使用许多不真实的网站来处理你的数据,常用功能有:格式化(支持 JSON、SQL、XML)、JWT解码、URL编码/解码、UUID生成、图片压缩、文本比较、正则表达式测试、Markdown预览等28+种实用工具。项目源码地址:https://github.com/veler/DevToys公众号...

DevToys是一个专为开发者设计的Windows工具箱,支持离线运行,提供多种实用工具。Microsoft PowerToys是使用C++和C#开发的工具,集成了20多个实用工具。SmartSystemMenu是一个小巧的窗口增强工具。1Remote是一款现代的远程会话管理和启动器。ShareX是一款功能强大的截图、录屏、Gif制作工具。ScreenToGif是一款屏幕录制和GIF制作工具。STranslate是一款翻译和OCR工具。GeekDesk是一个桌面快速启动工具。QuickLook提供了一种快速预览文件内容的方式。Optimizer是一款系统优化工具。ToastFish是一个背单词的软件。WinMemoryCleaner是一款内存清理工具。Files是一个现代的文件管理器。以上软件都已收录到C#/.NET/.NET Core优秀项目和框架精选中。

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