New React TypeScript SPA Templates and More


We have made the latest React TypeScript SPA Templates available in our latest preview. If you are developing React TypeScript Web application with ASP.NET as backend in Visual Studio, go ahead and try the new template! All the Visual Studio React and Vue templates using the JavaScript SDK are now using Vite, The post New React TypeScript SPA Templates and More appeared first on Visual Studio Blog.

本文介绍了最新的React TypeScript SPA模板和使用Vite的Visual Studio React和Vue模板,提供更好的项目创建体验和解决本地缺少必要依赖项时的创建失败问题。这些模板将成为.NET 8和Visual Studio 17.8的推荐SPA模板,并提供了许多优点。未来还将改进这些模板的构建和运行、单元测试、授权/身份验证选项和依赖项管理体验。

New React TypeScript SPA Templates and More
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