Ryan Lambert: PgOSM Flex for Production OpenStreetMap data


The PgOSM Flex Project is looking forward to the 0.8.0! If you aren't familiar with PgOSM Flex, it is a tool that loads high quality OpenStreetMap datasets to PostGIS using osm2pgsql. I have a few examples of using OpenStreetMap data loaded this way. I am extremely excited about PgOSM Flex 0.8.0 because the project as a whole is really starting to feel "production ready." While I have been using PgOSM Flex in production for more than 2 years, there have been a few rough edges over that time. However, the improvements over the past year have brought a number of amazing components together. PgOSM Flex 0.8.0 does include a few ⚠️ breaking changes! ⚠️ You will want to check the release notes when they are official. PgOSM Flex in production What does "in production" mean for a tool in a data pipeline? Reliable Easy to try out Easy to load/update to prod Low friction software updates This post covers why I think PgOSM Flex meets all of those requirements.

PgOSM Flex是一个可靠、易于使用的工具,可将高质量OpenStreetMap数据集加载到PostGIS中。使用Docker镜像更新到最新版本非常简单。需要注意连接数量的限制。

Ryan Lambert: PgOSM Flex for Production OpenStreetMap data
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