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David Wheeler: The History and Future of Extension Versioning

Every software distribution system deals with versioning. Early in the design of PGXN, I decided to require semantic versions (SemVer), a clearly-defined and widely-adopted version standard, even in its pre-1.0 specification. I implemented the semver data type that would properly sort semantic versions, later ported to C by Sam Vilain and eventually updated to semver 2.0.0. As I’ve been thinking through the jobs and tools for the Postgres extension ecosystem, I wanted to revisit this decision, the context in which it was made, and survey the field for other options. Maybe a “PGXN v2” should do something different? But first that context, starting with Postgres itself. PostgreSQL Extension Version Standard From the introduction extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1, the project side-stepped the need for version standardization and enforcement by requiring extension authors to adopt a file naming convention, instead. For example, an extension named “pair” must have a file with its name, two dashes, then the version as listed in its control file, like so: pair--1.1.sql As long as the file name is correct and the version part byte-compatible with the control file entry, CREATE EXTENSION will find it. To upgrade an extension the author must provide a second file with the extension name, the old version, and the new version, all delimited by double dashes. For example, to upgrade our “pair” extension to version 1.2, the author supply all the SQL commands necessary to upgrade it in this file: pair--1.1--1.2.sql This pattern avoids the whole question of version standards, ordering for upgrades or downgrades, and all the rest: extension authors have full responsibility to name their files correctly. PGXN Versions SemVer simplified a number of issues for PGXN in ways that the PostgreSQL extension versioning did not (without having to re-implement the core’s file naming code). PGXN [...]


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