Redis is Google Cloud Ready


Redis recently announced its achievement of the Google Cloud Ready designation for CloudSQL and AlloyDB. Cloud SQL is Google Cloud’s fully managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. AlloyDB for PostgreSQL is Google Cloud’s newest fully managed PostgreSQL-compatible database service. This designation signifies that Redis’ solution has met the certification guidelines and […] The post Redis is Google Cloud Ready appeared first on Redis.

Redis最近获得了Google Cloud Ready认证,适用于CloudSQL和AlloyDB。这意味着Redis的解决方案已经符合认证指南,并经过了Google的验证。Redis Cloud广泛应用于Google Cloud客户群体,用于各种目的。通过将Redis与Google Cloud数据库集成,企业可以实现卓越的性能和高可靠性,提供实时体验和不间断的服务。这一成就巩固了Redis与Google Cloud之间持续的合作伙伴关系。

Redis is Google Cloud Ready
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