How to make the most of Google Keep


The Verge As part of my job as a tech writer, and as part of my ongoing efforts to get organized at some point, I’ve tested a whole pile of note-taking apps through the years: the simple, the sophisticated, the quirky, the AI-powered, and on it goes. It’s a popular app category, and there’s no shortage of options. Amid all these different choices, one of the apps that I find myself regularly coming back to is Google Keep. It’s fast and easy to get around, it works on just about any device, and once you dig a little deeper into its colorful sticky note interface, there are plenty of useful features to take advantage of. Whether you’re a current Google Keep user looking to do more with the app or you’re wondering whether Google Keep has enough to... Continue reading…

Google Keep是一款功能丰富、易用的笔记应用,支持自定义外观、标签分类和搜索、待办事项清单、协作、提醒、文字提取、手绘图形和笔记转换为文档等功能。移动应用还支持录音功能。

How to make the most of Google Keep
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