Vitess Security Audit Results


The Vitess Maintainer team is pleased to announce the results of a recent third-party security audit of the Vitess code base. Vitess had previously been audited in 2019. Given the amount of time that has passed, and the magnitude of change during that time, the maintainer team decided to request a fresh audit. Starting in March 2023, an independent team from Ada Logics performed a full security audit of Vitess with a special focus on VTAdmin, which is a relatively new addition to Vitess.

Vitess维护团队进行了第三方安全审计,审计结果显示未发现重大问题,但报告了12个中低级问题。发布了两个中等严重性CVE,并发布了相关修复程序。审计报告对VTAdmin的评价非常高,认为其遵循了安全设计和代码规范。审计得到了Cloud Native Computing Foundation的赞助,感谢Ada Logics的审计工作。

Vitess Security Audit Results
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