PyCoder’s Weekly

PyCoder’s Weekly -

Issue #563 (Feb. 7, 2023)

#563 – FEBRUARY 7, 2023 View in Browser » Build a Wordle Clone With Python and Rich In this step-by-step project, you’ll build your own Wordle clone with Python. Your game will run in the terminal, and you’ll use Rich to ensure your word-guessing app looks good. Learn how to build a command-line application from scratch and then challenge your friends to a wordly competition! REAL PYTHON Adding Python WASI Support to Wasm Language Runtimes “This article provides an overview of how Python works in WebAssembly environments and provides a step by step guide on how to use it.” See also the associated Hacker News Conversation. ASEN ALEXANDROV How Cisco Achieved Greater Observability with InfluxDB Discover how Cisco teams use Python and InfluxDB to create custom DevOps and network monitoring solutions → INFLUXDATA sponsor Three Python Trends in 2023 An opinion piece on three trends likely to attract attention in the Python world in 2023: Python/Rust co-projects, web apps, and more typing. Read on for examples in each category. JERRY CODES Django Security Releases Issued: 4.1.6, 4.0.9, and 3.2.17 DJANGO SOFTWARE FOUNDATION PSF Is Hiring a Security Developer-in-Residence PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION Discussions Pros and Cons of Dynamic Languages This conversation is around Luke Plant’s excellent article Python’s “Disappointing” Superpowers that describes specific uses of Python’s dynamic capabilities that wouldn’t be possible in a static typed language. HACKER NEWS Python Jobs Software Engineer - Backend/Python (100% Remote) (Anywhere) Close Python Video Course Instructor (Anywhere) Real Python Python Tutorial Writer (Anywhere) Real Python More Python Jobs >>> Articles & Tutorials What Django Deployment Is Really About Beginners often stumble when it’s finally time to get their Django app online. Instead of another deployment recipe, this post seeks to explain the fundamental concepts of deploying a Django app and equip developers to think through the process for themselves when they’re ready to make the transition from their code editor to the web. JAMES WALTERS • Shared by James Walters Build a JavaScript Front End for a Flask API Most modern websites are powered by a REST API. That way, you can separate the front-end code from the back-end logic, and users can interact with the interface dynamically. In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a single-page Flask web application with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. REAL PYTHON Need your MEAN and MERN Applications to Run as Fast as Possible Start Here In this e-book, we share three popular design patterns that developers use with Redis to improve application performance with MEAN and MERN stack applications. We explain each pattern in detail, and accompany it with an overview, typical use cases, and a code example → REDIS LABS sponsor Gradual Soundness: Lessons From Static Python A synopsis of a deep paper analyzing Static Python, a Python variant developed at Instagram to move from gradually-typed to statically-typed. Full paper available as PDF. LU, GREENMAN, MEYER, ET AL Dictionary Dispatch Pattern in Python The dictionary dispatch pattern uses a dict to store references to functions, allowing you to replace long if/else statements or as an alternative to the match statement. Read on for how and where to use it. MARTIN HEINZ 5 Common Asyncio Errors in Python (And How to Avoid Them) Asyncio is one of several methods of doing parallelism in Python. It uses a co-routine structure. This article describes five common errors people new to asyncio may make and how to avoid them. JASON BROWNLEE Wrapping a Rust Crate in a Python Package It is becoming increasingly common to ship Rust components as part of a Python package. This blog post is a dev journal on how Peter did just that with one of his packages. PETER BAUMGARTNER Using Computer Vision to Play a DS Game This posting is about how to use an object detection model to control a DS emulator to become an expert in playing the Super Mario 64 DS minigame “Wanted!” MEDIUM.COM/@NATHANCOOPERJONES • Shared by Nate Jones What do Developers Want the Most in 2023 is it Better Documentation & Tools, Real DevOps Culture Take part in the new Developer Nation survey and shape the ecosystem. Plus for every survey response, Developer Nation will donate to one of the charities of respondents’ choosing. Hurry up, the survey is open until February 12! Start now. SLASHDATA LTD sponsor How I Added C-Style for-Loops to Python Ever want a C-style for-loop in Python? No? Well you can have one anyway. See how Tushar implemented with for (i := var(0), i < 10, i + 2): TUSHAR SADHWANI Fixing Circular Imports in Python With Protocol This article walks you through how to use typing.Protocol to help detect and problems caused through circular imports. BRIAN OKKEN Projects & Code gracy: Better API Management GITHUB.COM/GUILATROVA • Shared by Gui Latrova Xorbits: Compatible, Scalable Data Science GITHUB.COM/XPROBE-INC • Shared by Chris Qin flatliner-src: Convert Python Programs Into One Line of Code GITHUB.COM/HHC97 anywidget: Custom Jupyter Widgets Made Easy GITHUB.COM/MANZT pynecone: Web Apps in Pure Python GITHUB.COM/PYNECONE-IO Events pyCologne User Group Treffen February 8, 2023 MEETUP.COM Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual) February 8, 2023 REALPYTHON.COM Python Atlanta February 9, 2023 MEETUP.COM PyDelhi User Group Meetup February 11, 2023 MEETUP.COM DFW Pythoneers 2nd Saturday Teaching Meeting February 11, 2023 MEETUP.COM PyConFr 2023 February 16 to February 20, 2023 PYCON.FR Happy Pythoning!This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #563.View in Browser » [ Subscribe to 🐍 PyCoder’s Weekly 💌 – Get the best Python news, articles, and tutorials delivered to your inbox once a week >> Click here to learn more ]


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