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Announcing Search Index Management in MongoDB Compass

You can now create and manage Atlas Search and Atlas Vector Search indexes on the interface many of you know and love: MongoDB Compass. Seamlessly build full-text and semantic search applications on top of your Atlas database, delivering swift and relevant results for a range of use cases including e-commerce sites, customer support chatbots, recommendation systems, and more. Gone are the days of juggling multiple tools to bring your search queries to fruition. And, with a variety of templates to choose from, Compass simplifies learning search index syntax so you can focus on what’s most important to you: building exceptional end-user experiences on top of your search queries. Try it out To get started, connect to an Atlas cluster from Compass. If you don’t have one, sign up. From there, simply navigate to Compass’ Indexes tab and select Create Search Index. It’s easy to build your first search index using one of our templates. Select either Search or Vector Search, and use the appropriate template. In this example, we’re going to create a Vector Search index. Once you're satisfied with your index definition, click Aggregate to start testing out your pipeline in Compass. Compass’ new search index experience leads you to results in just three guided steps, all without leaving the comfort of Compass. To learn more about search indexing in Compass, visit our documentation. If you have feedback about Compass’ search index experience, let us know on our feedback forum. Happy indexing!

MongoDB Compass现在支持创建和管理Atlas Search和Atlas Vector Search索引,为全文和语义搜索应用程序提供快速和相关的结果。Compass提供多种模板选择,简化了学习搜索索引语法的过程。用户可以在Compass的索引选项卡中创建搜索索引,并使用模板构建索引。新搜索索引体验只需三个步骤即可获得结果。用户可以访问文档了解更多关于Compass中搜索索引的信息。

Atlas Search Atlas Vector Search MongoDB Compass mongodb 全文搜索 语义搜索

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