Billing updates for Microsoft Teams API in Microsoft Graph


We are temporarily pausing billing for Teams Chat Export APIs estimated to start on 7/1/2023 until 9/30/2023, as we are implementing new enhancements to improve the APIs. The post Billing updates for Microsoft Teams API in Microsoft Graph appeared first on Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.

微软团队API在Microsoft Graph中的计费更新。暂停计费团队聊天导出API(仅“chat: getAllMessages”端点)。预计从2023年7月1日至2023年9月30日暂停计费。发布新的增强功能用于群聊场景,预计在2023年7月31日之前发布。需要设置活动的Azure计费订阅以避免服务中断。详细信息请查看Microsoft Graph Teams API的许可和付款要求。

Billing updates for Microsoft Teams API in Microsoft Graph
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