The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store


Image: Riley Testut The Delta emulator is officially available on the Apple App Store — for free. You should be able to find in Apple’s official store in many countries outside of the European Union. If you live in the EU, it should be available in the new third-party AltStore PAL app marketplace that just went live. The app marks the first significant and officially sanctioned game emulator for the iPhone since Apple began allowing them, with wide-ranging console emulation from the original Nintendo Entertainment System to the Nintendo 64 (and even the Sega Genesis, for when you want to play those games that Nintendon’t). Delta developer Riley Testut told The Verge via email that the app is identical to the version debuting with AltStore PAL. The app... Continue reading…

苹果App Store上推出了Delta模拟器,免费提供。该应用是苹果允许的第一个官方授权的iPhone游戏模拟器,支持多种主机模拟。Delta还支持蓝牙控制器、自定义布局和额外按钮等功能,可将iPhone变成类似任天堂DS或GBA的设备。此外,Delta还支持多人游戏和AirPlay流媒体。该应用经过五年的功能和错误修复,是iPhone上最成熟的模拟器之一。

The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store
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