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Announcing Tyler Mandry as Lang Team co-lead

It gives me great pleasure to announce (rather belatedly1) that Tyler Mandry has been chosen as the new lang-team co-lead. Tyler is a great choice for lead, as he always brings a balanced, thoughtful perspective to discussions, but is also willing to take strong positions when he believes he knows the right path forward. And he usually does. You may have seen Tyler speak at RustConf last year, where he delivered one of the opening keynotes; Tyler also serves as the co-lead for the Async Rust Working Group, and in that capacity he has authored a number of influential and thoughtful blog posts, most recently making the case for what reliability means to async. I know I speak for everyone on the team when I say that we are looking forward to seeing what Tyler will help bring about for Rust! This announcement is way overdue, as Tyler was chosen on Sep 21 of 2023! Sorry Tyler! Better late than never, as they say. ↩

Tyler Mandry has been chosen as the new lang-team co-lead for Rust. He is known for his balanced and thoughtful perspective, as well as his ability to take strong positions. Tyler has spoken at RustConf and serves as the co-lead for the Async Rust Working Group. The team is excited to see what he will bring to Rust.

Rust Tyler Mandry balanced perspective lang-team co-lead strong positions

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