NVIDIA Hopper Leaps Ahead in Generative AI at MLPerf


It’s official: NVIDIA delivered the world’s fastest platform in industry-standard tests for inference on generative AI. In the latest MLPerf benchmarks, NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM — software that speeds and simplifies the complex job of inference on large language models — boosted the performance of NVIDIA Hopper architecture GPUs on the GPT-J LLM nearly 3x over their Read Article

NVIDIA使用TensorRT-LLM软件将Hopper GPU在GPT-J LLM上的性能提升了近3倍。H200 GPU在MLPerf的最大生成AI测试中提供了最快的推理性能。NVIDIA还推出了具有更多内存的H200 GPU和GH200 Superchips。NVIDIA的Hopper GPU在MLPerf的每个AI推理测试中表现出色。NVIDIA展示了结构稀疏性、修剪和DeepCache等创新技术。MLPerf基准测试是透明客观的。

NVIDIA Hopper Leaps Ahead in Generative AI at MLPerf
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