Feature Preview: Iceberg Integration with Databend


One of the significant new features that Databend has been working on in recent months is supporting the reading of data in Apache Iceberg table format. This article is intended to give you a preview of this new capability by demonstrating how to use Databend to mount and query an Iceberg Catalog.

Databend支持读取Apache Iceberg表格格式的数据。本文提供了使用Databend挂载和查询Iceberg Catalog的能力预览。Apache Iceberg是一个为大规模分析工作负载设计的高性能开放表格格式。它支持各种查询引擎,并提供了模式演化和时间旅行等功能。Databend已经实现了对Hive和Iceberg数据目录的支持,允许用户挂载位于S3中的Iceberg Catalogs。他们还开发了IceLake,这是一个纯Rust实现的Apache Iceberg。本文包括一个工作坊,指导用户准备Iceberg格式的数据并使用Databend进行查询。

Feature Preview: Iceberg Integration with Databend
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