You should be playing Music League


When was the last time your friends made you a playlist? | Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photo from Getty Images Writing about the decline of Pitchfork made me sad about the music industry — and also about the state of music discovery. Besides the fact that TikTok doesn’t prioritize music as anything other than background noise, it means that artists have to win the viral lottery in order to make a hit. And that’s entirely out of their control. But about two weeks ago, a friend of mine introduced me to Music League, a game where everyone in the league submits a song to a playlist, and a group of us started playing. About a day after the first one formed, I made two more: one for another friend group and one for family. Music League makes music social in a way that social media algorithms, ironically, do not I’ve enjoyed hearing new songs. The... Continue reading…

Music League是一款让音乐变得社交化的游戏,参与者可以提交歌曲到播放列表并进行投票。与个性化推荐不同,Music League让人们分享音乐,打破了个人音乐泡泡。这种方式让人们感到愉快,也让人们回忆起以前制作混音带的时光。

You should be playing Music League
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