Argo Smart Routing for UDP: speeding up gaming, real-time communications and more


Today, Cloudflare is super excited to announce that we’re bringing traffic acceleration to customer’s UDP traffic. Now, you can improve the latency of UDP-based applications like video games, voice calls, and video meetings by up to 17%

Cloudflare宣布将Argo Smart Routing流量加速技术应用于UDP流量,可将UDP应用程序的延迟提高高达17%。Argo Smart Routing可通过发送数百万个合成探针来加速Internet流量,减少数据包丢失和抖动。该功能目前处于封闭测试阶段,用户可向其账户团队申请使用。

Argo Smart Routing for UDP: speeding up gaming, real-time communications and more
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