The Humane AI Pin is lost in translation


As funny as it was when the AI Pin utterly failed at translating Korean and Japanese, it also broke my heart. | Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge Of all the things the Humane AI Pin promised, I was most intrigued by translation. In a demo, a man speaks to Humane co-founder Imran Chaudhri in Spanish. The AI Pin automatically translates it to English. Chaudhri replies in English. Again, the AI Pin translates his words back into Spanish. There are notable pauses when the AI is processing, but it’s a powerful concept. Unlike with Google Translate, there was solid eye contact between both people. The AI voice sounded more natural and less robotic. And crucially, there were no screens. The language barrier was still there, but it was much more permeable. That’s not what happened when I tried it myself. I spoke some simple phrases in Japanese and Korean. Instead of translating, the AI... Continue reading…

Humane AI Pin的翻译功能在演示中表现出色,但实际使用时却无法正常工作。作者回忆起自己与家人因语言障碍而无法沟通的困境,希望这种翻译技术能减轻他们的痛苦。然而,实时翻译在很多方面都很困难,而且目前已经有更好的翻译技术存在。翻译是一门艺术,AI往往无法准确理解其中的细节和含义。尽管如此,作者仍然期待未来能够实现这种简单而无缝的帮助和理解。

The Humane AI Pin is lost in translation
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