The Tech Promotion Algorithm: A Structured Guide to Moving Up


While most topics in the ByteByteGo newsletter focus on technical knowledge, we also acknowledge the critical role of managing career growth and development, particularly for those at or targeting senior software engineer roles. In today's issue, we are fortunate to have Steve Huynh, Principal Engineer at Amazon, as our guest contributor. Steve is an 18 year veteran at Amazon. He’s conducted more than 850 technical interviews, trained thousands of people on how to conduct interviews and assess candidates, and has directly mentored dozens of folks to get to the next level.

Amazon Principal Engineer Steve Huynh shares his Tech Promotion Algorithm, which involves a 360 assessment, actionable plan development, and plan execution. Preconditions include being employed, meeting expectations, having a supportive manager, and promotion being possible. Keywords: Tech Promotion Algorithm, assessment, plan, execution, promotion.

The Tech Promotion Algorithm: A Structured Guide to Moving Up
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