Financial Times tests an AI chatbot trained on decades of its own articles


The Verge The Financial Times has a new generative AI chatbot called Ask FT that can answer questions its subscribers ask. Similar to generalized AI bots (like ChatGPT, Copilot, or Gemini), users can expect a curated natural language answer to whatever they want to know — but with answers derived from the outlet’s decades of published information rather than sources that are harder to explain or are subject to ongoing legal action. So don’t expect it to give you an answer for the best recipe for fettucini alfredo. When we asked, “Who runs Microsoft’s AI products?” the tool returned an up-to-date answer and referenced news that broke this week about Microsoft hiring DeepMind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman as the head of its new AI team: Mustafa... Continue reading…

英国《金融时报》推出了一款名为Ask FT的AI聊天机器人,可以回答订阅者提出的问题。该机器人利用该媒体几十年来发布的信息提供答案,而不是使用难以解释或受到法律诉讼的来源。该机器人目前仅对付费订阅者开放,可以回答关于当前事件和更广泛问题的提问,并提供引用的相关信息。该机器人由Anthropic开发的大型语言模型Claude提供支持。

Financial Times tests an AI chatbot trained on decades of its own articles
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