Tommy Tallarico’s never-actually-featured-on-MTV-Cribs house is for sale


Image: Francois Guillot / AFP via Getty Images Remember Tommy Tallarico? The famous video game composer who claimed he created Roblox’s infamous “oof” sound effect, then got into a legal dispute with the game’s developers asking for an unspecified amount of money for continued use of the sound effect? Eventually, the matter was settled, and ultimately, Roblox removed the sound from the game entirely. Y’know, Tommy Tallarico! The guy who claimed he was the first American to work on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise despite the fact his first Sonic credit was for Sonic and the Black Knight in 2009, a full 17 years after Sonic The Hedgehog 2 was developed and released in America. He’s also guy who boasted several Guinness World Records, including one for being the person “who has worked... Continue reading…

汤米·塔拉里科声称自己是美国第一个参与创作《刺猬索尼克》系列的人,但实际上他的第一个刺猬索尼克的制作是在2009年的《刺猬索尼克与黑骑士》,而这是在《刺猬索尼克2》在美国开发和发布之后的17年。他还吹嘘自己拥有几项吉尼斯世界纪录,其中包括“终身参与最多视频游戏制作”的纪录,但只有大约100个制作是可验证的,吉尼斯将纪录改为“最多产的视频游戏音乐作曲家”,最后取消了这项纪录。现在,你可以以300万美元的价格购买他的房子,这就是他(虚假地)声称在MTV Cribs上展示过的房子。

Tommy Tallarico’s never-actually-featured-on-MTV-Cribs house is for sale
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