Drive Innovation in the Age of AI with Connected Digital Ops


The impact of data and artificial intelligence (AI) on technology is expanding and deepening rapidly, lending incredible benefits and potential consequences to business. The past year’s AI frenzy had every industry chomping at the bit with the potential of learning language models (LLMs) and natural language processing (NLP) to drive business and customer outcomes faster, […]

数据和人工智能对技术的影响正在扩大和深化,企业面临巨大的好处和潜在的后果。人工智能已成主流,大型企业正在投资和采用生成式人工智能。创新是业务成功的核心,运营是创新的关键。Connected Digital Ops通过AI和五个不同的运营方式提供转型和增长的能力。BMC帮助企业实现AI承诺,将运营提升为业务的关键部分,为持续创新奠定基础。

Drive Innovation in the Age of AI with Connected Digital Ops
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