Now there’s an AI gas station with robot fry cooks


Screenshot: Wes Davis / The Verge There’s a little-known hack in rural America: you can get the best fried food at the gas station (or in the case of a place I went to on my last road trip, shockingly good tikka masala). Now, one convenience store chain wants to change that with a robotic fry cook that it’s bringing to a place once inhabited by a person who may or may not smell like a recent smoke break and cooks up a mean fried chicken liver. The convenience store chain Re-Up announced that it's installing “The Wingman,” a robot from Nala Robotics that drops fry baskets into hot oil and rolls chicken wings around in sauce before dumping those things into buckets for your consumption (at least, based on the video below). The company says that the machine will use... Continue reading…

美国便利店连锁店Re-Up将引入名为“The Wingman”的机器人炸锅,提供全自定义的炸鸡、薯条和其他菜单项目。机器人使用先进的人工智能技术,提供方便、个性化和安全的购物和用餐体验。Re-Up计划扩大店铺数量。

Now there’s an AI gas station with robot fry cooks
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