Following the Prompts: Generative AI Powers Smarter Robots With NVIDIA Isaac Platform

Generative AI is reshaping trillion-dollar industries, and NVIDIA, a front-runner in smart robotics, is seizing the moment. Speaking today as part of a special address ahead of CES, NVIDIA Vice President of Robotics and Edge Computing Deepu Talla detailed how NVIDIA and its partners are bringing generative AI and robotics together. It’s a natural fit, Read article >

NVIDIA副总裁Deepu Talla讨论了如何将生成式人工智能和机器人技术相结合,为机器带来智能和适应性。合作伙伴如波士顿动力和Covariant正在使用GPU加速的大型语言模型来提高效率和降低成本。生成式人工智能将在家庭、办公室、农场和医院等领域有广泛应用。NVIDIA的Isaac和Jetson平台已经被超过120万开发者和1万个客户使用。Talla还强调了语言模型在为机器人训练环境创建逼真的3D资产和场景方面的作用。生成式人工智能和机器人技术的整合将带来更直观的与机器人的互动和增强的适应性。

NVIDIA generative ai platform prompts 机器人技术 生成式人工智能 语言模型 适应性

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