PyCoder’s Weekly

PyCoder’s Weekly -

Issue #619 (March 5, 2024)

#619 – MARCH 5, 2024 View in Browser » Duck Typing in Python: Writing Flexible and Decoupled Code In this tutorial, you’ll learn about duck typing in Python. It’s a typing system based on objects’ behaviors rather than on inheritance. By taking advantage of duck typing, you can create flexible and decoupled sets of Python classes that you can use together or individually. REAL PYTHON Using IPython Jupyter Magic Commands “IPython Jupyter Magic commands (e.g. lines in notebook cells starting with % or %%) can decorate a notebook cell, or line, to modify its behavior.” This article shows you how to define them and where they can be useful. STEFAN KRAWCZYK Posit Connect - Make Deployment the Easiest Part of Your Data Science Workflow Data scientists use Posit Connect to securely share insights. Automate time-consuming tasks & distribute custom-built tools & solutions across teams. Publish data apps, docs, notebooks, & dashboards. Deploy models as APIs, & configure reports to run & get distributed on a custom schedule → POSIT sponsor Monkeying Around With Python: A Guide to Monkey Patching Monkey patching is the practice of modifying live code. This article shows you how its done and why and when to use the practice. KARISHMA SHUKLA DjangoCon US Call for Proposals DJANGOCON White House Recommends Use of Python PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION JupyterLab 4.1 and Notebook 7.1 Released JUPYTER Articles & Tutorials Requests Maintainer Reflects on the Project After a Decade One of the oldest active maintainers of the popular requests libraries reflects on the project’s good and bad parts over the last several years. He posits things that would improve the project and maintenance thereof. He also talks about what’s holding the project back right now. Associated Hacker News discussion. IAN STAPLETON CORDASCO • Shared by nah Improve the Architecture of Your Python Using import-linter For large Python projects, managing dependency relationships between modules can be challenging. Using import-linter, this task can be made easier. This article provides a simple introduction to the import-linter tool and presents 6 practical ways to fix inappropriate dependencies. PIGLEI • Shared by piglei We’re Building the Future of Humanity Using Python No Other Language Will Give You Better Results Today, you can build AI & data apps using only Python! This open-source Python end-to-end app builder helps you with it. Similar to Steamlit but designed to build production-ready apps, it offers some differences: scales as more users hit the app, can work with huge datasets, and is multi-user → TAIPY sponsor How to Read User Input From the Keyboard in Python Reading user input from the keyboard is a valuable skill for a Python programmer, and you can create interactive and advanced programs that run on the terminal. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create robust user input programs, integrating error handling and multiple entries. REAL PYTHON Tracing System Calls in Python This article shows you how to trace the system calls made when you run your Python program. It includes how you can use the Perfetto trace viewer to visualize the interactions. MATT STUCHLIK The Most Important Python News in 2023 Vita has put together a site using data from the PyCoder’s newsletter. The site itself is built using Python tools. If you missed something in 2023, you might find it here. VITA MIDORI • Shared by Vita Midori Django Login, Logout, Signup, Password Change and Reset Learn how to implement a complete user authentication system in Django from scratch, consisting of login, logout, signup, password change, and password reset. WILL VINCENT • Shared by Will Vincent Why Python’s Integer Division Floors This article on the Python History blog talks about why the decision was made to have integer division use floors, instead of truncation like C. GUIDO VAN ROSSUM Falsehoods Junior Developers Believe About Becoming Senior This opinion piece by Vadim discusses how newer developers perceive what it means to be a senior developer, and how they’re often wrong. VADIM KRAVCENKO What’s in a Name? An article about names in Python, and why they’re not the same as objects. The article discusses reference counts and namespaces. STEPHEN GRUPPETTA • Shared by Stephen Gruppetta Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: McDonald’s Reusable Workflows This post on McDonald’s technology blog talks about how they take advantage of reusable workflows with GitHub Actions. MICHAEL GORELIK Popular git Config Options This post covers some of the more popular options you can use when configuring git, and why you might choose them. JULIA EVANS Projects & Code logot: Test Whether Your Code Is Logging Correctly GITHUB.COM/ETIANEN hypofuzz: Adaptive Fuzzing of Hypothesis Tests GITHUB.COM/ZAC-HD cantok: Implementation of the “Cancellation Token” Pattern GITHUB.COM/POMPONCHIK • Shared by Evgeniy Blinov xonsh: Python-Powered, Cross-Platform, Unix-Gazing Shell GITHUB.COM/XONSH django-queryhunter: Find Your Expensive Queries GITHUB.COM/PAULGILMARTIN • Shared by Paul Events Eclipse Insights: How AI Is Transforming Solar Astronomy March 5, 2024 MEETUP.COM • Shared by Laura Stephens Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual) March 6, 2024 REALPYTHON.COM Canberra Python Meetup March 7, 2024 MEETUP.COM Sydney Python User Group (SyPy) March 7, 2024 SYPY.ORG PyCon Pakistan 2024 March 9 to March 11, 2024 PYCON.PK Django Girls CDO Workshop 2024 March 9 to March 10, 2024 DJANGOGIRLS.ORG PyCon SK 2024 March 15 to March 18, 2024 PYCON.SK Happy Pythoning!This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #619.View in Browser » [ Subscribe to 🐍 PyCoder’s Weekly 💌 – Get the best Python news, articles, and tutorials delivered to your inbox once a week >> Click here to learn more ]


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