REGINA OBE: Why People care about PostGIS and Postgres and FOSS4GNA


Paul Ramsey and I recently had a Fireside chat with Path to Cituscon. Checkout the Podcast Why People care about PostGIS and Postgres. There were a surprising number of funny moments and very insightful stuff. It was a great fireside chat but without the fireplace. We covered the birth and progression of PostGIS for the past 20 years and the trajectory with PostgreSQL. We also learned of Paul's plans to revolutionize PostGIS which was new to me. We covered many other side-line topics, like QGIS whose birth was inspired by PostGIS. We covered pgRouting and mobilitydb which are two other PostgreSQL extension projects that extend PostGIS. We also managed to fall into the Large Language Model conversation of which Paul and I are on different sides of the fence on. Continue reading "Why People care about PostGIS and Postgres and FOSS4GNA"

在与Cituscon的Path进行的一次聊天中,Paul Ramsey和我谈到了为什么人们关心PostGIS和Postgres以及FOSS4GNA。我们讨论了过去20年中PostGIS的诞生和发展以及与PostgreSQL的轨迹。我们还了解到了Paul革新PostGIS的计划。我们还涉及了其他一些话题,比如QGIS的诞生受到了PostGIS的启发。我们还讨论了pgRouting和mobilitydb,这是另外两个扩展PostGIS的PostgreSQL项目。此外,还将有3个与PostGIS直接相关的研讨会。如果您有兴趣,请来参加其中之一。所有研讨会将于10月23日举行,我们有15个研讨会可供选择。特别值得注意的是,与PostgreSQL / PostGIS相关的研讨会是“使用PostGIS”。Leo和我将在早上进行这个研讨会。在3小时内了解有关PostGIS的一切。带上您的用例。此外,还有其他一些研讨会将涉及PostGIS和PostgreSQL的元素,因为它们至少在底层使用了PostgreSQL。还有一个关于使用QGIS和PostGIS构建企业GIS工作流程的研讨会。这个研讨会的名额非常有限,而且正在迅速用完,所以请尽快预订您的座位。当然,还请注册整个会议。

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