What Serverless Databases as a Service Accomplish – and Why They Matter


We could lead with the technical advantages: flexible scaling, easier management of clusters and nodes, and offloading complicated resource analysis. But we know we can get your attention by saying Serverless Databases as a Service prevents overspending. Selecting the right cloud database has become a progressively intricate challenge. To optimize performance and cost, developers must sift […] The post What Serverless Databases as a Service Accomplish – and Why They Matter appeared first on Redis.

本文介绍了Serverless Database as a Service(SDBaaS)的概念和优势,SDBaaS是一种云数据库服务,可以消除开发人员管理集群或节点的需要,提供灵活的扩展性和成本效益。Redis Enterprise Cloud是基于Serverless架构构建的,可以动态配置数据和吞吐量限制,并按照设置进行计费。作者进行了基准测试,发现Redis Enterprise Cloud比Amazon DynamoDB更快,更便宜,更具成本效益。

What Serverless Databases as a Service Accomplish – and Why They Matter
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