The Verge’s favorite smart home devices


Illustration by Adrián Astorgano With a staff so involved with and fascinated by tech news and devices, you’ve got to believe that many members of The Verge staff have their own stash of smart stuff. We asked them to write about some of the smart devices they use themselves — and why — and here are some of the answers that we received. An efficient and inexpensive robovac Emma Roth, news writer I stumbled upon the Eufy Clean G30 Verge robovac during a trip to Walmart — and no, I didn’t just buy it for the name. At the time, I’d been wanting a robovac so I could stop lugging my hefty Kenmore around the house, but I also didn’t want to pay hundreds of dollars just to get one. With a price of just $150, the G30 Verge fit my budget without being too basic, so... Continue reading…

这篇文章介绍了The Verge员工使用的智能设备,包括Eufy Clean G30 Verge扫地机器人、Home Assistant Green智能家居生态系统、Meross Smart Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener智能车库门开启器、Elgato Stream Deck Mini灯光控制器、Kasa Smart Wi-Fi插座Mini等。这些设备提高了生活质量和便利性。

The Verge’s favorite smart home devices
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