3 heart-health tips from Fitbit’s lead cardiologist


A photo of three people playing pickleball. There are two people in the background on one side of the next. The person in the foreground is in a wheelchair and is wearing a Fitbit device on their wrist.

Fitbit和Pixel Watch设备可以通过跟踪运动、心率和睡眠质量来改善心脏健康。心脏病学家Jacqueline Shreibati博士建议在锻炼过程中设定目标心率以获得有氧运动的好处。Fitbit的心率区域工具和功能可以帮助用户了解他们的运动强度。这些设备还包括ECG应用程序以检测心律不齐。监测睡眠质量对心脏健康也很重要。Fitbit的睡眠功能和Premium的每日准备度评分可以帮助用户跟踪和改善睡眠。

3 heart-health tips from Fitbit’s lead cardiologist
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