Stefan Judis Web Development Stefan Judis Web Development -

A web component to make your text sparkle (#blogPost)

Inspired by Zach Leatherman and the community's recent rediscovery of HTML web components, I sat down to write a quick component to make text sparkle. There can't be enough sparkles (and confetti), right? Here are some examples of what <sparkly-text /> can do. 👇 Here's a  sparkly-text  in a headline And here's a paragraph with bigger sparkles . And here are some colorful sparkles . If you want to play around with it find the source code on GitHub. Reply to Stefan

这篇文章介绍了一个让文字闪闪发光的HTML组件,作者受到Zach Leatherman和社区的启发,写了一个快速的组件,并展示了一些效果。

GitHub HTML组件 Zach Leatherman web 文字闪闪发光 源代码

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